Korthia is on life support

It’s dead. Maybe everyone is at the Mage Tower knocking their heads against that wall. But unless the population picks up in Korthia, the zone is toast. I see multiple rares up at the same time and there’s no concern about which to do first because there are so few players that you can do one and then move to the next. Just a few weeks ago, you had to make a split second decision of which one you wanted because the other would surely be dead by the time you got there.


Just like Mechagon was a bit after it released and so on and so forth. Who cares, let that zone rot in hell, or maw, who cares… garbo zone.


Most likely! See what happens after a few weeks.

At reset that place is packed. Later in the day it gets quiet.


I mean…speak for yourself. The only time Korthia is that dead is at like 4 am, when even my no-life self shouldn’t be there.

Even so, it’s entirely expected that fewer people will be doing the same content months after its release.

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Time is relative. I am in Asia and play on Oceana servers.


The worst part is needing more than 3M Anima to finish off all the stuff with Covns… and everyone’s pathetic answer is “just farm Korthia.”

1> I’m so unbelievably tired of Korthia.

2> See #1.

And the fact it’s so empty now doesn’t help at all.

There should be a 500 Anima WQ up EVERY DAY at this point. Doing WQs for an hour should reward just over 10k Anima. Instead it’s more like 1500.

This is a joke.


Rares were getting bagged like a shopolic at a mall today

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I usually keep tanks parked there because there’s often not enough people to start bosses without one. I’ve seen NPC fights go on for almost a half hour with no players intervening.

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Its got its ups and downs.
Sometimes there’s really no one there and then its jam packed.

Saturday it was jam packed, mobs and mobs of players.

I tried Mage Tower but got a concussion from banging my head against its walls.

In the end all zones become dead, some earlier than others.

I got Korthia done on my main months ago… and I’m not going to do it again. There was never enough time before the next season.

I'd say it's more like Nazjatar. Mechagon was leagues better and actually had interesting things to do.

Most people are done with Korthia and the maw? The rep grind is super easy and once you get everything you need, what’s the point in sticking around?

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I still see some lively activity in Korthia. Might just be phasing from a different instance of it, but I see people still farming for mounts, mogs, or gearing up on alts. Wouldn’t say it is “dead”, but not as active as it once was.

It isn’t like it was the first month or so where once daily reset came around, there were rare/farm groups, so the population certainly has dwindled down.

I discussed your post with a friend the other day when were going to kill the Worldbreaker.

As I told popo I hated popo and proceeded to help popo anyways, I mentioned it and how you happened across a slugging it out popo all alone. Said, ‘yeah, sad thing is, popo is always on the loop to have this fight….forever. Just like Ka’ro the melon chopper in Zuldazar is still arguing the intricacies of delicately cleaving melons.’

That was a fun thread to read.

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Mostly to gear up my alts.

No point in doing Korthia anymore…now that all of my conduits are upgraded and my gear is socketed I’ll use the research I get from the weekly disappointment vault to buy anymore sockets that might be needed

I grinded it out, still could upgrade a few pieces but my SO finally comes home tonight after being away almost a year and WoW is going to be the very last thing on my mind for quite awhile, if I ever even come back.



EXACTLY. I’ve missed them so much, my nerves are going a mile a minute.
Going to go to pick them up directly.
The butterflies are real.
:sob: :heart: :sob: :heart: