It started off normal. I see Popo cowering on the road, and being on a Kyrian character I start her so anyone waiting can do the quest. I’d already done it earlier. By the time we reached Deos nobody had joined us, nor at Marylis. I wasn’t confident in Popo’s tanking so I sat my clothie self back to see what would happen next. It turned into an epic 25 minute battle between Popo and the Worldcracker, which neither one was able to win. So almost a half hour into it, another player happened by and started fighting, and we took it down.
Popo then killed some grommits and despawned on the spot.
People be grinding their faces into MT or legion keys D:, that or maybe unsubing
Round 2.
Popo respawns and I start her again but this time I don’t get involved. She does every fight all the way to the Worldcracker.
End result? Popo wins!
Something about my not being in the fight tipped the scales.
Must have been the added extra HP on worldcracker last time, poor Popo having to work harder cause of lazy taggers 
I tried to taunt Kroke over once just as I started her because I thought it would be hilarious to watch them fight, but Kroke was having none of it.
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Such a big stick in the mud~
Now I wonder if all the Covenant events are auto win. I don’t think NF because they just play the music and also not Vamps because they won’t fight the adds… but I think Necro will have Lurik gather enough corpses solo eventually so maybe they would also punch Fleshwing.
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was also quiet on my realm cluster last night. one of the repaired teleporter rares was never pulled during my three alts knocking out their Shaping Fate weekly task
still got my inventory full of meats and tokens as typical of any given day in Korthia
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He’s so picky about how he dies! Tsk.
He doesn’t have that special armour where that last hit point is infinite. 
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I logged on 3am and surprisingly had enough for a teleport and a rift spawn. Got the weekly done before I forgot about it again.
Come out and fight! Big Blue Bully!
Popo never abandon friends!

I thought everyone understands you don’t mess with the Popo… that is just begging to have your civil rights violated.
I have tried on many occasions to see if I could get Popo killed, enlisting whatever nearby NPCs I could, but the developer armour she wears is unbeatable. I had to admit defeat and make friends with her.
I haven’t been to Korthia since the end of October.
I spent November offline and only came back in early December.
Korthia is an unattractive place for me and I confess that I don’t want to do anything related to Maw. And the story is very unrewarding to follow. Lore? Nah!!!
I just go in to get gold, a pet that hasn’t got it yet, and leave the game. Sometimes I go 2 or 3 days without entering. I prefer to visit the forum, which is more fun and rewarding to talk to people and keep my participation in threads that interest me.
I’m sorry, but every time I see popo, I tell popo, ‘I hate you popo’.
Saw something similar this morning. Popo was getting tooled off on and no one was helping. I hate you popo, but I saved you popo. I saved you.
Popo hates me back and steals the Worldcracker mount from me. It’s something we share, until we don’t. 
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adds despawn on venth if you stand back far enough and dont engage them
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Sounds like the carriage event that goes to the Maw, nobody does it anymore so I don’t even bother.