Korthia is not for casual players

I’ve pretty much done all the big three at one expansion or another,

Saying this to say I kinda know how to be undergeared and make it work.

Korthia stuff if one doesn’t approach and is marginally geared such as my monk alt at maybe 200 ish carp gear and poor trinkets and rings and such it feels like clearing a mythic mega dungeon all the time.

The one reason i"m doing it is to unlock flying.

At that point I"ll go to leveling alts since I can fly in SL leveling zones, and until they fix things I will go back to hoping / preaying that bliz can save WOW, will they? IDK?

The point is a new level 60 toon that doesn’t know how to squeeze a lot out of their class and gear cant have a good time, not even unlocking flying, I could see people who don’t have a way to do the big 3 things could enjoy the over health sponges and mobs where it is essentially a never ending training dummy as a kind of challenge, but korthy sure enough ain’t the mages tower.

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