Korthia gear upgrades to 226 only when you reach Rank 6?

A bunch of the Korthia stuff is actually pretty good, considering the ease of access.

I got a 239 neck in raid last night but a fully upgraded 233 Korthia neck sims better.

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agreed, just need to get the gear to level 4 and get the LFR stuff to mix match, and your spec feels pretty good

Better gear is the only progress bar WoW has. It makes everything easier. How would you raiders like it if bosses were gated the same way, one new boss a week?? Same with M+, limiting key levels on a weekly schedule?? After all, 10 weeks is nothing if the patch lasts 6 months right??
It doesn’t matter how long the patch lasts, I have 11 alts I’d like to break out but there’s no frakking way I have the time or patience to do this grind with them all. Especially since the gate is totally arbitrary. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


You have to be Renown 61 also.

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:rofl: A new boss every week IS standard for almost all progression raiding guilds.


A 9 week arbitrary time gate is hardly “bending over backwards”. Even worse if you had more time to grind and got to tier 4 faster than I did.


It doesn’t take 9 weeks, a bunch of us are already there. And Korthia rep is CAPPED DAILY so somebody spending 12 hours there gets ZERO extra rep over somebody who spends 2.

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kids really in here acting like anything actually drops in raids. I’ve never once gotten a single piece of gear from CN or SoD to date. Just embers and stuff.

so people who do no-effort world content should be as well geared as people doing the upper end of raid, m+ and pvp content?

that’s cute. and awful game design.

when world content is as difficult as mythic bosses or m+15 keys, then maybe. but there is literally no comparison between world content and instanced end-game content, difficulty wise.


lol, yes, it does. Some of us have jobs and lives and we can’t spend literally 10 hours a day for the past 55 days farming Korthia. 9 weeks is a fair estimate.


Gary Gygax is rolling over in his grave at the notion. He wrote since the 1970’s that rewards must be commensurate to challenge.


do you ever ask to trade gear in raids? RNG has forced groups to trade gear others need instead of relying on need for greed, i got all my gear not from RNG, but from trading, 60% of the time peeps will trade you gear you need

You’re just showing that you don’t even understand how Korthia works (which is common for people complaining about the rep speed).

Korthia reps are capped daily. If you spend 10 hours there, you get nothing more beyond somebody who has spent 2.


But they are all available. All I read about is how easy Normal is and how everybody blows right through it to heroic. IF the Korthia gear was heroic ilevel I would agree 100% with you. Your argument would maybe hold water if you weren’t 10/10 HEROIC , don’t you think :scream:. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

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The bosses are not all available, you have to defeat the previous one.

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Korthia gear should be upgradable to 252.

It should be expensive, certainly, but it shouldn’t cap at 226. That’s silly.

Again, Korthia gear is equal to NORMAL raid gear. Not Heroic, not Mythic. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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I believe name-calling is against the forum rules, my fine sir.

Let’s keep things civil, shall we?

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the person I was responding to, however, said

which indicates that they want mythic-quality (252) gear for trivial world content.

then of course, right above you we have

yea. no.


Although it’s a valid complaint on the surface…

… it costs SOOOOOO MUCH Catalogued Research to upgrade to i233 … but the time you amass enough to really upgrade the 3-4+ pieces that would make any kind of a damn difference, you’d be Rank7. Let alone R6.

The cost is RIDICULOUS.