Korthia Cosmetic Sets

Capes all I have got kyrian venthyr my hunter ain’t been there yet.

The RNG is rough… saw two pieces early on and now a drought.

Can only seem to get them from your own covs dailies so you need to make sure some are up (Not always every day) and roll the right reward (So many rep tokens!).

Just wanted to say that since my comment on here I have gotten three pieces, one each reset so I’m not sure what the deal was prior :woman_shrugging:t2:

I used the alt strategy to collect both the Venthyr sets and the Night Fae set. But for some reason the Kyrian quest rewards just won’t drop. I’ve been working on it for months, but the only piece of the Kyrian I’ve been able to get was the bracers on 2/1/22. Now, as I have no interest in the Necrolords, my main and my alts are all Kyrian. They’ve all completed the covenant campaign and are either done or halfway through the Chains of Domination campaign. They’re all Renown 55-80 with Kyrian, too. And I have seen the Kyrian NPCs up, but all they will give me is rep/artifacts/anima. It wasn’t hard to complete the other sets - but the Kyrian is just stumping me. I submitted a ticket to see if there was something I was missing, but in the most unhelpful way possible they told me to just submit a bug and keep an eye out for patch notes… if other people submit bugs, too. I’m so frustrated right now.

I collected the other three sets months and months ago. I was only able to finally get the Kyrian one to pop up a couple weeks ago. It’s completely RNG and there’s nothing we can really do. I shared your frustration and I’m glad you know the alt strategy to do it. That’s how I got the entire Necrolord set in an hour. I did the same with the Kyrian once it finally showed itself. It’s pretty crazy how RNG that is.

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Once you see a day in which one is up, don’t talk to any npc for your alts. Swap all alts to that covenant and just blast out the dailies until you get all the pieces. Only bad part is if said pieces are offered by an npc not visible because you didn’t progress your campaign enough to see the 4th+5th daily offered in korthia.

How I got mine a bit before 9.1.5 and certainly well after that. Only bad part is for night fae and said quest offering the soulshape. Basically bricks all alts that day who don’t have it (because I am pretty sure mog is offered as a second choice if you have the form).

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Just make sure you do all the chapters required for the sets to start popping up in quests. It’s the only reason why I drug myself through those three chapters on my alts <.<

The alt strategy is also great and I’ve used that.

The RNG is crazy though, I got most of my sets fairly easily but man, one of the pieces from the Kyrian cov took forever!

Sucks about the stygia for the other sets. Just really cannot be bothered to farm 6k for 5 sets and on basically 1-2 real characters. Although ZM gear on less played but old renown 80 alts I used for unlocks should make things easier.

I can totally relate to this and can’t see myself doing it either.

Unless we get to the end of this patch… like way into the future I’m sure, and then figure why not? Not much else to do lol I guess I will see once I get to that point, but currently I’m also nope on that grind. :-1:

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I guess I’ll finish it in a way though. Still need the venthyr drop mount, the 2 red drop mounts and the deaths advance 2 paragons. So I’ll be in the zone and maw still anyways. I guess just play the game while ignoring stygia amount until I get there lol

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Yeah I’ll be puttering around in Korthia still as well, there are a few things I still want to do. Like pet Maelie 7 times. Important stuff, you know :rofl:

If you ever wanted to just blast that out check out the wowhead page. Genuinely would not have found any of them or would have fallen to death cause of the cliff side spots.

Mounts are always serious business.

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I check in at Korthia still once a day to see what the daily quest rewards are specifically Korthite Crystals and mog set pieces I am missing.

You know… I have had many deaths there also, and then couldn’t get to my corpse due to weird angles so rip Stygia loss lol

I actually discovered the comment section on wowhead a few days ago, bless that person who sits and updates for everyone else after getting their own! I’m 4/7 pets into it now lol

UPDATE 2/24/22: So, variations of the Kyrian NPCs have been up for the last three days. I have checked Korthia every day on all SIX of my Kyrian characters. None of them are being offered the cosmetic appearances. Is this some kind of bug with Renown 80 covenant switching? I have tried deleting cache/WTF, I have tried covenant switching, I have restarted, rezoned. Nothing is working.

UPDATE 3/2/22: FINALLY!!! Pelagos’ Random Memory Access gave me the cosmetics! Alt strategy (7 characters, 7 pieces today!) for the win!!!

UPDATE 3/5/22: So, after a couple days of playing with the GMs via Tickets, I have a take-away. My ensemble was marked complete after I received chest piece “Forsworn Aspirant’s Vestments” (top only) and as such I did not realize I had to keep questing after the ensemble was complete for the separate “Forsworn Aspirant’s Robes” (dress) appearance. Instead of telling me that, the GMs had me remove all my addons, reset my interface, etc. It was a huge PITA. I hope that nugget (i.e. keep questing for the other chest appearance) helps any of you in the same situation.

I’m in that boat. I’m still missing 3 pieces of the Forsworn Aspirant’s Regalia. Been over 2 weeks since a quest popped up that offered a new piece for that set. It’s just another bad system blizzard has in this game…

A few weeks ago, I decided to try to get the Korthian transmog sets by having my toons switch to whichever convenant had dailies with transmogs as the reward

It didn’t take me long to complete the one for Night Fae since my main was in Night Fae. And I was finally able to complete the one for Kyrian when I had my toons all change to that convenant.

Was able to finally complete both sets for Venthyr today. Yesterday, three toons in Venthyr received 6 pieces, and today, got the final piece.

However, Necrolords has been a pain for me. Had four toons all in Necrolords, and only one would receive a transmog piece. One time, I got lucky and two toons received transmog pieces from the Necrolords. Since I don’t care for theirs, had most of my toons switch to Venthyr for the mirror network transmogs.

I completed all 4 sets so… it’s there.

You just have to check/check boards/discords every day to see what’s up that day.