Korthia Cosmetic Sets

Has any Night Fae members seen a daily quest in Korthia that awards a piece of the Twilight Grove set? The purple cosmetic armor? I’ve been told (and seen) other people from Kyrian and Venthyr receive one or multiple pieces but I’ve yet to see a piece for Night Fae (and I’ve done every single daily since they were available and checked on two characters each time).

Is it bugged out?
Or is Night Fae just really, really unlucky since supposedly it comes from your respective NPCs and the other covenants are there a lot more often?

I’m used to RNG on mounts and pieces of mog, sure, but … at some point it’s beyond tedious.

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Does that set come from dailies or is it anima/renown? No, I haven’t seen any pieces. (My main is fae.)

It supposedly comes from Korthia dailies.
The set in particular is Garb of Twilight Grove (the purple one). There’s one you can purchase for anima in the sanctum at a certain renown 60, the one from Death’s Advance at Exalted and the other one from the sanctum (77 renown).

From the reading done on Reddit and WoWhead, it seems no NF has even seen a piece of the garb while other covenant members have been lucky to get one or more of theirs.

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I’m Kyrian and I’ve never seen cosmetic armor awarded for Korthia dailies.

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My Necrolord warlock got the belt from a daily reward. It’s the only one I’ve seen so far. Seems to be pretty rare. And as usual, RNG is RNG.

The daily rewards are random from toon to toon, person to person… and that’s kind of a bummer.

So theoretically you could never see a piece / collect the set? That’s … kind of unfortunate, yes.

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Theoretically, yeah. I have a few alts parked in Korthia just to check the rewards for the dailies. I have three Night Fae toons so I’m hoping to complete that set. I am skipping the anima and rep reward quests on my alts and only looking for upgrades or the Covenant cosmetics.

I’m Kyrian and I have gotten 2 pieces from Korthia daily quests…RNG is brutal


I didn’t even know they were an option until this thread!

What the heck Blizzard! I’m one of your biggest shills. FF14 wouldn’t do this to me.

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I’ve yet to see a single piece of any of those sets and it’s annoying me


I got the chest for the necrolord set really only on (like day 2-3) so I assumed it would be common

Never saw another piece again

Are they really? I feel like my rewards have always been identical to my sister’s hunter, ie when one daily offers a bow, she is also offered a bow, while my brother’s paladin gets offered korthite.

I had assumed there was a set level of rewards each day, with it getting replaced with anima/research/korthite if you’re not the appropriate class or covenant.

I’ve gotten two pieces of the Foresworn set. A lot about the drop rates is unknown, but it seems almost as though it’s tied to renown, or Death’s Advance Rep, maybe even Archivists Codex.

For reference I’m almost revered in Death’s Advance, Tier 4 in Codex, and max renown.

I do know for certain that I’ve only got the armor quests from Kyrian Questgivers.

I have mostly been keeping an eye on the Broker’s Bounty quests, on one toon it will offer Korthite Crystals, on another it will offer a piece of gear, and on another toon it will offer anima. It’s totally random from what I’ve seen, even for my characters with the same Covenant.

I had necrolord gloves pop up yesterday. First piece I have seen.

My wife has gotten two pieces of the purple mawsworn thus far as daily rewards. (kyrian).

I could have made this post myself, I haven’t seen any NF cov. cosmetics (but have had NF daily quests pretty frequently) either so I’ve either been extremely unlucky or… there is something missing here.

I think I have only received one Venthyr item. I guess something needs to be done to keep the zone relevant as people try and complete their set(s).

Venthyr here, I’ve seen a couple pieces here and there from the daily, it’s all just RNG and more RNG it seems. I don’t get why they made it the way they did given its rather redundant, but oh well. It is interesting though that the night fae set seems to either be bugged out, or stupid rare for whatever reason. I’d personally go with it’s bugged out given Blizzards history with that. Hopefully it starts dropping for you soon though!

I’ve seen one or two pieces on my Necro, Venthyr and Kyrian alts.

Not a single piece on my Fae main.

as necrolord I’ve gotten bracers belt and cape cosmetic…