Korthia Cosmetic Sets

Bracers and a cape. Aka the parts I wanted the LEAST.


I’ve received 2 pieces of the Necrolord set. I must have missed belt day. I think in 3 weeks we get the main color transmog set.

Exact same as my results, and I have been checking each daily quest on a toon from each covenant every day since the soulbind dailies starting appearing after completing the 4th chapter of the campaign.

Either Night Fae has had bad RNG for soulbinds offering the new quests, or I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizz someday announces a hotfix for a bug preventing NF soulbind quests from spawning.

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I just saw Venthyr for the first time last night. I think it’s not that it’s bugged out but rather that it’s really rare.

This has to be one of the most ridiculous delivery mechanisms for a set they’ve ever done, unless they actually have some kind of hidden breakpoint tied with renown that adds consistency to it.


If they do, it might explain why some days we get 5 dailies while others only have 4. Perhaps there are some questgivers missing…

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I am an altoholoic here. I had started to get the necrolord set after doing the thrall and draka stuff on 3 necrolords. My 3 kyrians also started getting the set really soon but have capped at around 6/9 set pieces. My 6 venthyr had just started to get the cosmetic pieces after the venthyr part of the campaign, new dailies were available which specific npcs have a chance to offer the cosmetic stuff.

None of my Night Fae have been able to get a piece so it leads me to believe it will become available after the night fae part of the campaign is done to unlock more night fae dailies in Korthia.

Note all my alts are around the part before meeting draka and thrall as before that you unlock all your dailies so far. It seems the campaign unlocks more dailies globally. So expect more night fae dailies tomorrow ongoing.

Are the rewards different for everyone? Today the same quest had the headpiece available for both of my necrolord alts.

I got a quest the first week of Korthia for a pair of cosmetic gloves. Haven’t seen anything since then and I’ve done the dailies everyday since.

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Reading through these comments it just seems like the drops for each of the pieces are really low. That definitely sucks because lord knows how the RNG gods work not just for specific gear pieces - but trying to get an entire set that sucks.

Hopefully they’re added to a vendor so you can fill the slots or the drop rates are just buffed.


Lol we aren’t far enough Into the patch for people to have enough renown to get any of the sets yet.

The sets people are talking about don’t come from Renown, they come up very randomly, and extremely rarely, as a quest reward that can replace one of your usual daily quest rewards. (Though if they’ve got a hidden requirement tied to Renown, that changes things, I just haven’t seen anyone show that).

So far I’ve gotten one piece each from the two different Korthia cloth sets as a Venthyr. (One is called the Inquisitor’s Vestments and the other Court Attire). It’s a bit ridiculous, because I’m just about to hit Exalted with Death’s Advance. That’s consistently doing the daily quests, and only seeing these things pop up twice?

If it’s pure RNG and this is the tuning they intended, I think we’ll all be on the next content patch by the time anyone finishes their Korthia daily quest RNG sets.

I got the stupid cloak yesterday.

I’ve gotten two pieces of the Night Fae set so far on my druid. It seemed to replace a daily quest or something once in a while.

So far:

Night fae: 2 pieces
Kyrian: 6 pieces
Venthyr: 3 pieces
Necrolords: 4 pieces

Sometimes alts of the same faction will have different pieces as rewards on the same day, which is why I have more Kyrian pieces than the others.

One pair of pants… and a back piece… I feel like they’re trying to get me to wear pants…

There is a purple set, but you buy it with anima from the Night of Courtier … that is the only purple I have seen. There is a whole set from Queen’s conservatory but that is sage green. Just my input.

I’ve actually managed to get 3 pcs now.

What pieces, what do they look like and where did they come from? Thank you.

They are the “Korthia” set which is just a color of the one we will all get from Renown soon.

Kyrian looks like a dark ish purple

Got them from daily Korthia quests