Korgath Horde Reconnections

Good to see you Grimshawe. Where are you rolling for classic?

Don’t have my old creds (and I forget my email) for GC forums. Prob rolling Herod Ally.

Citgo/Xitqoh, druid/dk, GC.

Hey man, been a long time! I’m planning on rolling on Herod

hey man! its Aranu - I was a shaman in Insomniacs for a bit. Do you know what server you’re planning on yet?

We’re rolling Herod as well. I’ll try to hook up with you before launch.

Hey! How have you been

Hey Kenji, It’s Celest here, I was the healing officer for Insomniacs up until mid Naxx progression! I also ran an AU TZ guild called Convicts on my Warrior Bardus.

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Hey Rorydog, it’s Bardus (Tauren Warrior) here I was the GM and raid leader of Convicts! I’m planning to switch it up and play Alliance on Remulos (Oceanic) for Classic.


Doing awesome, we should find everyone from the old crew haha

I’d love to get in touch with Makkus and a bunch of other old FH/Catalyst people. We should sync up^^

$10 says D is still mixing with gatorade on weeknights XD

Yo Bardus & Rory!
Sabaris aka Phrostboltz here. I’ll be playing horde on Arugal. Any other Convicts around. How’s Triscuit Rory? He was a funny bloke

Hey Celest were you ever in a guild called Scions of Draenor back on Warsong, we had a priest with the same name. I was a troll shaman and my brother played an ud warlock named bver.

Hey Celeste it’s bver, you still playing poker?

Hit me up on discord bver#9834

I remember you! This is ayano/alcantar. I’m always with escabar/stolburg/furidiam. I believe we were in cauldron born when it was in KJ

Going horde with Forsakken and Barzanes and Ovk/Forecaster on Blaumeaux.

Heya cutie.

whaat you guys are all playing? tfti… i’m tryna get jero back too


Tauren Druid


We’ll have Matt invite you to the Discord we’re using.

Ahchoo, Snoogywoogy, Dikparade- Undead Priest

Gentlemen’s Club
Death and Taxes (TBC WOTLK)

Character: Velimor
Guild: Vengeance

I don’t remember many names unfortunately. I was a transfer from Kil’jaeden and came in shortly before original Naxx opened.

I remember getting ganked a lot by a Human Rogue named Tosan in Blackrock Mountain lol