Korgath Horde Reconnections

Whats up Dark Preators! I’m sure Euros are now playing on Euro servers and not US servers.

Whats up Tenz!

Ya I wonder too! I remember Nhodjin the GM guy was Swedish along with others. I still have a lot of our old kill videos!

I think I found your youtube videos online. I thought I was in every cthun kill. Video also says warsong but I thought we first killed cthun on korgath.

I was always in the quadrant left of the entrace for that fight.

Undead rogue…on stormreaver I went by Interstate. Was originally in we ridin spinnaz with Handsome as guild leader. My irl friend Kegar (Tauren warrior, hand of rag) got me into GC after I got fairly geared (half tier2, chromatically tempered sword mh, etc). Probably could be found rolling with Kegar and another irl friend Zenjin (troll shaman).

Raiding in GC was sick. Nuggs said I would out dps him and supposedly I was up next for AQ ripper. Dmzor was hilarious, I think I have the soundboard site saved somewhere. I remember slamulous ripping on him one day for getting a mcflurry with smarties in it. Turns out in Canada, smarties are like m&ms and not like smarties in the US.

We transferred to korgath…changed name to Knuckles, did some naxx progression and got burnt out.

Looks like GC is rolling on an eastern server? That worked for me before in FL but I live in CA now so probably won’t get to link back up with you guys but thought it would be cool to say “what up!”

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GC is going to be playing on Herod Horde if anyone is interested in reconnecting with old players and new.

Post on gcguild DOT net for Discord info or DM me dox#1815

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Character Name: Grimshawe - Orc Warrior
Guild: Union Underground


Oh hai

Torq from DP here

Sanguin (lock), Excedrin (rogue)
Transferred here from Warsong, I think I was in Union Underground??

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Troll Priest
From Guild: “From Hell”

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Sup Crow!

Long time no see! XD

Undead Warlock
Guilds: From Hell, Catalyst

Orc Warrior
Guilds: Classic: Resolve tbc: Marauders

Xfered here from Kj on realm launch, me and jeromin ran a rank 14 pvp grind group a long time ago if anyone used to pvp


Gentlemens Club
raided with them on stormreaver in memento mori and then xfered to korgath with them in mid-Classic and BC. im going to be on herod, im pretty sure the old gc guys are going to be on the same server?

Looking for Untz ( or Unts ? ) and Hotsizzle. We were #1 2v2 and 3v3 team for a while season 1.

i miss the GC forums. i wish I still had the warcrafts finest video of Kluian / Alabamaman / Jong raging in arena during TBC.

Thrice, Undead Priest. Played mostly with the Forsaken Knights. Hezz and Mordoki and Pulsar.

Orc Hunter

Troll Warrior

GM of Union Underground

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Used to play with Cauldron Born. Played a number of different chars, Bodisattva ( paladin ) Anybody remember that Vegas Trip ? :slight_smile: good times.

Munsond - UD Mage
Urgot - Troll Shaman

CO-GM - Union Underground

Hello young lady. Of course you were in Union Underground.