KORAYN not appearing as a companion

Having this issue too seems pretty common

I have had the same issue. I have done all 4 covenants and this is the ONLY soulbind companion I did not get this week! Way to drop the ball Blizzard

Also experiencing this issue, cannot use Korayn companion

Same issue here, with myself (luthers druid), and at least 3 other people in guild

Same here and for everyone I’ve asked in game who’s Night Fae.

I’m having the same issue on my main warlock and so is my guild mate. I submitted a ticket but was given a general response that provided no assistance.

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I also do not have Korayn as a follower for my covenant table. This is on my hunter and Druid. I completed the quest and got him as a soulbind only on both characters. They both got a nice cutscene though.

Same problem here. Korayn isn’t showing up for my adventure table after finishing the covenant storyline and getting as a soulbind.

Yep, also have the same issue.

Add me to the list. Completed Night Fae campaign this afternoon. Acquired Korayn as a soulbind, completed the quest to add him as a companion for the mission table. Do not have him available from the mission table.

One more to rising chorus I guess.

Same here.

Same issue here.

Same issue for me as well.

Same. I completed the Nightfae campaign on my Monk and did not receive Korayn as a companion. I completed the Kyrian campaign on my Warlock and was granted Mikanikos as both a soulbind and a mission table companion upon completion. Funnily enough the quest to earn Mikanikos showed up as granting me Dreamweaver as a Kyrian :stuck_out_tongue: ? Bugs all around.

I am having the same issue

I am having the same issue with Korayn

Having the same issue with my NF alt. Handed it in and thought maybe I just missed something but apparently I didn’t

Also having the same issue. Glad to see it’s not just me. Hoping for a blue post to give us more information on this.

Same issue as others here. Completed the campaign line, even recall completing the quest where Korayn would have been added to my followers(It was a straight to complete quest) and then nothing.

Hoping for a fix soon

Same here, also having the same issue! :frowning: