Known Pre-patch Rogue bugs

all rogues deserve the water sprint


BlizZard no fun police took away water Sprint. :frowning:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


damn right we do!

also, if it’s not too much to ask, blizz, can we have a minor glyph that changes the sprint ribbon effect be tartan? i’ve wanted ludicrous sprint ever since minor glyphs were a thing.

as for bugs, using garrote from stealth (asn rogue) doesn’t silence. the tooltip says it does, but it doesn’t. it used to, before DF prepatch.


Have to talent back into the silence for garrote with DF.

Tooltip hasn’t been updated.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Secret Technique damage is unreliable or bugged – clones aren’t always registering??

They’re obviously in the advanced log, but the Blizzard Combat Log only displays the event for you. Other parsers are not updated to pick up on the nuance and it doesn’t seem to class the souls as “yours” or pets.

A few more hours of testing… It seems that this ability cannot crit. It consumes the cold blood ability but will not deal a critical strike. This is probably the worst part of the skill, considering it’s unlikely the clones share you stats since game systems aren’t even picking up their damage, so the likelihood all three crit (and it does normal crit damage on use) is remarkably low.

My assumption is the clones were supposed to copy your damage (as shadow), so if you crit all three would crit. But right now, there seems to be zero interaction.

Edit AGAIN! The shadows can crit, it unfortunately doesn’t explain the crits in the ACL unless you know how to effectively read the parse (which I’ll figure out eventually). That said, it does not properly benefit from Cold Blood and the crits are independent, meaning very low chance to get max damage.

Also, it seemed like the elevated target dummy (the one on the box, on the Orgrimmar gate) didn’t let the clones reach it? Never saw the numbers for these tests only when playing in the world did I start to see them register.

The top end in my gear is 21,000 though, which is a pretty good chunk for one button press. Y’know, if (1) it actually works right and (2) all three crit (15% * 15% * 15%= not likely).


Not the worst offender but grappling hook is still misfiring on the regular. Had it happen in Uldaman earlier.


It has to do with being out of LoS of the target destination even a little bit after the skill is used but before the effect triggers your movement. To reliably hook, you unfortunately need to stand still the moment the animation fires.

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If you jump straight up and point at a location it will fire even with an incline on the terrain more often than not.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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This was fixed in the latest build and the pets are now registered as yours. Recount (not sure about Details) is now picking it up. Nice!

(There still isn’t an entry in the base “My Actions” combat log though.)

Combo points under our character are still bugged, been like this since prepatch was in testing, phase 1 and now. Probably DF launch as well.

And before it’s said I’m not running any addons and I did a UI clean.

Am I the only one who auto ambush selected target from stealth?
This class is now officially unplayable, thx Bliz.