Knock 30 seconds off Dragonrage CD

That’s pretty much all we need to be competitive.

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We’re already competitive.

No then it puts it out of sync with tip the scales!

Not a lot of situations where it is absolutely necessary to even have tip with DR. Even then holding for 30s isn’t terrible either.

As for the main post, I think we just need a boomy style proc after so much essence spent or another empowered to help actually land two extentions. Making it more consistent instead of the way it is now.

Where are we competitive?

Mythic+, Raids, Pvp?

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If you mean competing for top dps, we aren’t, really at that level for anything. Devastation isn’t so bad you can’t complete content, but we’re probably a bit below average in all content. Not bottom tier, just a on the low end of average.

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yes lower mediocrity was not what i expected of a new hero class…that plus 0 communication.

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Preservation is quite good. I don’t heal, so can’t give you specifics, but healer spec seems to be in a good place. I agree that I wish we’d get a bit of love, even just fixing the glaring bugs like spells not going off. Kind of a big deal. I’m casual, so enjoy it okay, but the reputation is bad enough now that Pugging M+, even at my level, has gotten harder. Not impossible, but it definitely takes me a while to get an invite.

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i’m beggenning to think if i want to play a dps just level the meta, and forget about blizz giving any kind of attention to their glaring lack of…care…for…specs/classes on a patch by patch basis

Well, they are looking at some specs. Pally is getting a lot of work for 10.0.7, and warlock, to a lesser extent. Nothing says they won’t look at it for 10.1, but Blizz doesn’t communicate well, so it’s anyone’s guess. And, yes, if you enjoy a meta spec, that’s always a good option. However, there’s no guarantee current meta will still be that way in a few months. As always, picking a class in WoW based on performance is a crapshoot.

Raid. They’re still fine in PVP, but they could use some work in that regard. Depends on what you determine to be competitive for pvp.

You can be competitive without being top dps. That said, devastation has been in the upper echelon for raid damage since the last round of pve tuning.

Devastation is an odd duck. For a while, we were doing quite well in mythic raids, though seem to be dropping down again. Below average on normal or heroic, and well below average in M+.

We just need passive dmg reduction or passive healing… I constantly see warriors, dks, locks, etc. doing just as much damage as I do and healing for insane amounts. If we are intended to be a super glass cannon, then give us the old fire breath back and let us win or die in the first 30 seconds of a game.

Also, knock 30 sec off Dragonrage.

I’ve posted suggestions in my own thread, but I think DR needs is fine with its duration, it’s the extension mechanic that kinda sucks at the moment with how our toolkit works. They should get rid of that, make the base duration longer, and give us an arcanic pulsar type proc for a short duration DR to supplement.

They also need to dk something about the essence consumption for dis. It burns all 3 the moment you use the spell, so they need to make it either use essence on tick or just make it so we can always cast dis while moving (latter preferred imo),

I also want an absorb shield return for EB proc consumption and EB procs to always benefit from full mastery or at the very least always benefit from full mastery when using on a mob within execute range. That would help.

Oh, and finally fix the bugs. The fact that we STILL have so many bugs it’s ridiculous for any spec, but especially the hero-class poster child of the xpac.

Here is the link to my full suggestion post.

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to add to this.

we dropped back to third, but its not actually our fault, just better arms

Devastations logs get very heavily off set by their really good add cleave damage, Devastation is the king of priority target adds and it shows, looking at wowlogs Devastation does incredibly well on fights like Eranog (consistent add cleave), Primal council (4 target cleave), Kurog (2 target with adds), Razzy (adds at specific times). But a pure Single target fight like Terros Devastation performs below average.

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and 30 seconds off Tip the Scales.


/hug ok that is a good suggestion <3

I would prefer if Dragonrage had a shorter cooldown and couldn’t be extended.

All of them. Every one.