All due respect (I’m trying my best not to sound elitist), you only have logs for 3/8 LFR, and your IO shows you’re 0/8N & H. I don’t think you’re in any position to be expressing your opinions as fact here.
That being said, even a bad player can make a great coach and it’s not all about credentials but rather being knowledgeable about the sport. But that’s not the case here, because even Warcraftlogs data shows that we’re in the top 5 DPS specs in the raid. I also have no issue completing 8 +20s for the week to secure 421 picks in my vault, and stay competitive with my peers from other classes (and often beat them out), so we’re fine in M+ as well. While we do have a few issues (persistent class bugs, a bit lacking in survivability, not offering unique utility to set us apart from Pres), the spec is in a very good spot and if we were to receive any more buffs that would effect our DPS - we’d be overpowered.
I recommend you join the Evoker discord and seek some advice there. I looked through your logs a bit, but judging someone based off their 360ilvl gameplay from 2 months ago isn’t really sufficient to say that you simply don’t understand the class. But from a quick glance - you’re running a Lariat that you could add two more sockets to, and you’re running the wrong gems. Run Skillful Illimited Diamond at the very least, but also add two more sockets (can be bought in AH. Your Lariat can have 3 sockets) and run (in this order) crit/mastery gems or haste/mastery gems, whichever sims best. Reason why you don’t run straight mastery gems is because combo gems are better and provide more value, and you need to make sure they’re Earth gems so your lariat procs mastery buff.
You’re also missing a second embellished item (I recommend Venom-Steeped Stompers in your case, just make sure that Versatility is always your lowest stat), and you’re missing every enchant. Both your trinkets are decent, especially for your ilvl, but a Voidmender’s Shadowgem and even a Ragefeather would serve you much better and could be upgraded with Valor (best combo is Shadowgem + Whispering Incarnate Icon).
My point in saying all this is 1) to help you and 2) to point out to you that you are not exactly setting yourself up for success and making judgments based on your poor position and performance that are not indicative of the greater picture. In simpler words, your gear and potentially your gameplay are not up to standard, and instead of recognizing that and working on yourself, you’re blaming the spec as a whole and making claims about the spec that simply are not true. I understand everyone has different lives and you may have other priorities or obligations that mean you don’t get to play as much, but maybe then recognize that you may not be the best spokesperson when it comes to describing issues with the class and suggesting fixes.
If you want help improving, join the Evoker discord and hit me up (@Dragussies) or anyone else in #Devastation. We’re more than happy to help.