Judgments of the Pure into Sub or Feral for their dots is some tech I haven’t heard of.
You’re kidding, you act like those exact same dots cant be put back on instantly and unless my healer is spamming dispel on me 24:7 I’m dropping. My pvp talent only removes ONE dot, I know my you clearly don’t know them.
Only removes 1 dot, dots can instantly be put back on… next.
I read what you replied to me with.
Also Unbound Freedom can be thought of as a dps or burst dps honor talent by increasing uptime, especially during burst windows. It also has some nice defensive uses in kiting.
Hm I guess I never thought of it that way, I’ll give it a run later try it out before the nerfs hit tom.
What a lie. You literally only play Ret.
I’m not sure what you think you’re talking about, but I think you’re doing a bad job describing it
They literally can’t and Affliction dots do half the damage as Feral.
They literally can because they literally do when you face them lol?. And that’s not saying much at all seeing as ferals bleeds r over the top atm, afflic locks dots r strong idk what you’re on.
I still find it laughable that some people still say “ret has amazing survivability and utility look at dat sanc its so op deff enough for the spec bc it’s megaS tier” yet nobody plays it at tournaments or when there’s money involved.
As long as the spec has all the current limitations it has you’ll keep comming back to Bfa S1 Exe 2shot, Sl S1 Divine Toll and now Decree gimmicks.
Anyway I do welcome the decree nerf, hopefully all the rerolls will just find something else to reroll to.
We really need some perspective here.
I made a thread about this a day or so ago. Any thoughts on it? In your mind, is that healthy gameplay?
So they nerf decree by 33%. That 246k hit is now 164k. In ONE more global, the results will still be the same. Ret will STILL have a monster burst and will STILL be doing a lot of damage. That’s how insane this whole discussion is.
Just wait till rets start using wake of ashes instead which actually hits harder during burst and isn’t getting nerfed (Yet). The trade off is its a 45s cd.
Hey lets stop the fried takes here please.
Ret nerfs to radiant decree and final reck were understandable, but they honestly might have still missed the mark on final reck. It still modifies damage pretty hard so that the tv+divine storm proc build might end up doing as much damage as radiant with 4 set.
Tier nerf was also understandable, wake still hits incredibly hard and so does judgement even after these nerfs.
Aura of reckoning nerfs were kinda weird, it felt like it was mainly to nerf hpal melee wings and threw ret in along with it. To be fair though, the ability itself isn’t well balanced and needs a total rework. At the 100 stacks version it’ll overall be healthier for the game and not a must pick every matchup for ret now. It’s significantly worse but ropes in the random 1 shot damage that can happen when you get a wings proc and seraphim proc at the same time.
Lawbringer nerf was also somewhat justified, but also not. During wings goes you can have some pretty insane aoe pressure because of it, but outside of goes the damage is pretty manageable and gives ret some type of presence outside of wings. It’s definitely going to hurt a bit into double melee but some of the other changes might actually make it easier.
The templars and final verdict buffs are intersting. It depends on how exactly it works. Because if this was SL this would result in a 20% damage buff to final verdict since templars modifiers also effect final verdict. If thats teh case this is a pretty large buff especially with everyone being able to get 4 set tomorrow. It could result in a 30% increase in damage to what were experiencing right now which isn’t anything to laugh at.
The healing buffs are also not terrible, probably nothing super substantial but better than nothing. It could save you in a couple of situations.
Lastly the concecration damage buff and exorcism could be really interesting. It could provide a ton of aoe damage against melee cleaves, because the people thinking conc doesn’t do anything right now just haven’t played the spec. You don’t specifically press the button too often, but use the blade of justsice proc to spawn it. You pair that with the conc slow talent and it also improves your uptime and also makes it harder for people to get out of. With the talent you can have multiple concs down at the same time which could be quite a bit of damage if used correctly.
Overall ret will probably be better against melee cleaves, and the burst is probably going to be practically just as high as it was before but a little harder to pull off now since it might require the divine storm templars proc. Wake also hits incredibly hard aswell. Harder than radiant, but just not able to benefit form some of the modifiers holy power spenders receive. So if anything it has a higher potential to do random massive burst. Ret will probably struggle more into casters now though, since the hit and run 1 shot playstyle you’d often need to do into them has been nerfed with the massive radiant decree 1 shots being nerfed. Cupid and ret war will probably both be good comps too, ret war potentially still being an s tier comp with the massive war buffs. Ret will probably still be middle of the pack, and be a bit less usable in a number of comps but definitely still playable.
Or execution sentence with proper setup. Saw one hit for 150k yesterday. I WISH I had an ability that hit like that. lol. The even more funny part was the 56k MELEE hit after. 56K MELEE HIT?? lol!
Even final reckoning… It’s taking a 20% nerf. Okay? I have a screenshot of it hitting someone for 185k… Now it will hit for 148k.
This stuff just breaks my brain.
Okay now boys it’s already done. You don’t need to make stuff up. Wake of ashes doesn’t hit nearly as hard as decree, and you don’t need to say it’s not nerfed because it’s been nerfed in pvp since day 1 of the xpac in pvp combat.
Execution sentence is super nice when nobody uses a defensive, lets you pump it for 8 seconds, doesn’t ground it, doesn’t spell reflect it, doesn’t meld it, doesn’t feign death it, and any of the other 40 ways to avoid it. The entire ability it a bluff lol.
As long as they keep nurfing damage/burst across the board it is good for the game.
Looking forward to the Arms threads next week complaining about getting 2-3 tapped. 100k+ spear into a giant MS into a giant execute. Yes Ret could do it “better” but not like arms is far behind, and Arms is getting buffs.
Just some of the outliers. Some need their sustained touched on. Any spec that kill another class in 2 seconds, CDs or not, shouldn’t be looked at. Any decent team that can line up that monster damage is deleting someone in two seconds.
Because you know what the other people are going to build and if they have something on the team that directly goes against what a ret paladin would have doesn’t make sense to bring them in for those fights.
Because this is a strong spell that can quite literally save your life