Kirin Tor Veterans

Ohey KT been a long time haha i was wondering if anyone was left playing

alliance- Power throught brutality, knight and weekends, Relentless dawn…a few others

Horde- LnE, Blacklisted, Of the vengeful camp, A List, Blades of kirin tor, tempest, UMF

some chars names peeps may remember, Karnol(the second) piez piezz cota trajic yajirobi


Wolfie here! Some of you may remember me as the Tauren Shammy from Prophetic Fate or my druid Windwalker from Seraphic.

So awesome to see you guys! Deval, Salach, Haline, Skellington, Slade, Marcks, ugh the list goes on and on! I added a few of ya to my btag but if anyone wants to catch up, by all means hit me up!


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Commander Kat

I have some of my most fondest memories here on Kirin Tor in Vanilla WoW. I have been playing off and on from release. I took a 3 year break and I just recently activated an old acct.

I had an amazing PvP and PvE experience on KT!

I still remember the day Slade made my heartseeker (is that what it was called) dagger and RP’d it.
Not to mention of having the honor of being in . My memory is shot, but I think that’s what the guild was called. I met Selanie(sp) there. I remembered that you had a cloak IRL!

Dio, the hardcore PvE raider. He would have all his pots/flasks/buffs ready to try again and again in the name of progression.

Judicate and Marcks, great folks to PvP with. Judicate’s sneer or smile…lol

Suedehead for giving me a chance to raid in

Otaku and her sidekick Zali.

My boy Druenn, never forget the upperhand you simp! I <3 u 3000.

Too many to list here, sorry if I leave you out. Madere, Roux, Deval, Newt <3, Khattab, Memphis, Serax, Wolfie, Shogath, argh I wish I could remember everyone’s names.


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So I’m interested in ditching Feathermoon and coming back, pretties…


Of my time on Kirin Tor, I miss being in of the Vengeful Campaign the most.

KT foreeeever ago, all the love!

Bumping this since I think a few of us are back to check out Shadowlands…


I’ve been playing the pre-launch event. Whenever there is a world boss to down, the Alliance are there in all their orange glory. Seems an easy 3-1 alliance to horde at these events. Its hard to pick out the few horde blue nameplates in the sea of orange ones.

Has it always been that way? I knew there were more Alliance, but didn’t think it was this bad. Maybe the way BfA split the factions hid this from me while I was playing it.

I think it’s always been like this on KT at least.

(Fondly remember our instant BGs during the HWL grinds while Seraphic and other big Alliance guilds got stuck for hours waiting. And if they got stuck with a bad PUG, they’d come sit with us and wait it out, maybe hop on the Vent server! And now I feel very old.)


I don’t post in the forums much, but this is my first toon I rolled (also my main) and i’ve been on Kirin Tor since 2005. I came here looking for an RP realm in the beginning, and have stayed every since. I’ve seen alot of you around throughout the years, and fought alongside some of you. It’s good to see so many familiar faces coming back for the expansion.

i was on this server back in 2005. Horde side in a guild called Ghost Wolves. Chars were Gunak (rogue) and Elro (druid).

Being a RP guild, the guild fell apart after a couple of years (of course). Then switched sides, rolled this human pally. Abandon him for WRA Horde side. Then stopped playing for a few years. Came back, WRA is jammed and everyone I knew left the game.

Then I remembered this pally :slight_smile:

And man has this game changed. I can remember weekend long AV matches.

By the way, any wpvp around? Or it is just hit and miss?

I see a few old, familiar faces here. /salute

My old guilds on Kirin Tor were Eardstapan, Poor Sages of Lordaeron, and Tiger Team One. Nukhan and Shydaer/Imakandi say hello as well!


I was Belixe on KT Aliance and was in a few guilds here and there. If anyone recognizes my name from the old days…please reach out! I started my WoW carrer there and have since moved but would go back in a heartbeat if the people are there still!

Btag add me! Belixe#11576


Ss ee oo d a p


I was there with my rogue, Vandiin. Loved that guild. I rerolled in classic a couple of months ago to pick it back up with some friends.

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Such warm and fuzzy memories.


Greets. Been around on KT since vanilla. Though this warlock at the time was named Moonbiter (moved the toon to try alliance and forgot to reserve the name when coming back to Horde). Haven’t been heavily involved in WOW since WOLK (job changes etc - still play but more of a time killer than investing in raiding or mythics) but I do have fond memories of Vanilla and the heady days of RP shenanigans.

My fondest memory from vanilla was busting my butt to get the reagents for the Dreadsteed quest and doing the iconic 3 warlock party (myself as Affliction, Magyar as Destruction, and Proctor Sesobel as Demonology). Was pretty epic with the 3 flavors of warlock and all the old tropes like shouting “don’t cross the streams” when we were all draining soul at the same time etc.

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Sure miss some of you folks, others not so much.

Regardless of like or dislike, I hope you’re all well.

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Still here, for better or worse.

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Yuuup. Me too.

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