Kirin Tor Alliance Reconnections

I kept the guild alive in name on KT. I was Roopawws your friendly neighborhood tank until I caught some bad habits and screwed my life up for about 10 years.

*Maybe more like 20 years. I am so old.

dang, me either. i just remember a human warrior named nikekoe he was brothers with a nightelf rogue named nite. :frowning:

Howdy all. I play Aazuin (Gnome Warlock) or Kurang (Night Elf Druid) back in the day. I can’t recall the guilds I was in but I was active raiding during WotLK era. One memory from raids is our MT owned cows who sometimes got loose, that would hold the raid up. ROFL.

Give my regards to your Dad. - Sk

Martufe here… Was a NE Furry warrior. Was mainly in RD for most of Vanilla, mostly pvp’d though. Will be rollin on bloodsail.


Auriella! Hey! It’s Lostariel from Delirium. I believe you taught me how to heal back in BC

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Hey Markcus! It’s Lostariel/Mailia. I’ll be on Bloodsail for classic as well :slight_smile:

Hey there.

Back in Vanilla and TBC, I played a Night Elf Fury Warrior by the name of Legemir and later on in Wrath, I went by Mythellis. I was in a guild late in Vanilla called Children of the Templars. Hoping to hear from my boys Dasper and Harict.

waves Hi! It’s Faldesa :slight_smile: Holy/Disc priestess!

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All KT friends. Posting from my lock for the Nostalgia :slight_smile:

A bunch of the RD folks are rolling alliance on Pagle. I think the general consensus is that most will be more casual than casual.

I will be starting a Classic Branch of my Guild on Herod PvP (H) (that’s right)

Here’s our recruitment post

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I think there was an Aussie druid named Wakka too

NE Hunter Mellenthim and Human Paladin Shayn. Ran with Enders and then Wanderers from early BC to mid WotLK. Played with Axey and Butterfingers among others.

Anyone here remember Tenfold? This was definitely closer to WOTLK, but I spent a lot of time helping the DPS of that guild.

I played this character, Falingwater (Boomkin). I remember two people specifically who recruited me into the more serious raiding scene. One was a girl who always greeted me with a “faling!” on Ventrilo, and the other a gruff older man who had to stop playing during WOTLK and we said our goodbyes. Wish I could remember their names!


Anyone from Seraphic around?! I saw Lem post earlier… Hit me up!


Legendary - Warrior
Scharlene - Warlock


Hello. I used to play Alliance on the Kirin Tor. I was part of the guild called “The Knights of the Kirin Tor”. I was a Human Paladin named TheTitanUs. Is any one of my old old guild still around and looking?

Yo whistlegloom!

Stryder? Karamok? Slotdawg? Heim? Razurick? Annadar? Gular? Divinity? So many others…add me if you remeber me!

Intrepid holy paladin human
Jota human warrior
Thllexis human mage

Psalms144vs1#1541 add me

Pvp was the main thing but did some raiding


Defiant Fury

vantha here ahhh memories lol

Wow, lots of familiar names here!

I played Watermint, adorable gnome mage, on Alliance. I raided some with Relentless Dawn and then later with another guild on KT.

But I played most often on KT in vanilla and BC as Gwenhyfar, undead priest. I was in Warclan Shadowsong for quite a bit and then later in Late Night Elites during BC.

I still play retail, but in a super casual way. I’ll be playing on Bloodsail Buccaneers, probably Horde side, unless I decide I want to play a paladin.

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Wow! hope you’ve been well. We have a community for the old RD folks. Add one of us on bnet and we can invite

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Hey Auriella, I remember you. Posted earlier, etis/dwarf paladin.

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