Kirin Tor Alliance Reconnections

Looking for Stars of Glory guildmates that played with Grissom

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Selenae here from Denizens of Azeroth and later Relentless Dawn. Will be on Bloodsail Buccaneers come launch.

damn her name is on the tip of my tongue but can’t get it out. the other druids i remember were galanor and levee but i know it’s not either of them

i’m pretty good at memory I played so much that I only took 1 year off game due to shoulder injury. threw out the years I meet so many players on Kirin Tor. Here’s a list of guilds that I can remember.
2. Misadventure Inc
3. Zeal
4. Searphic
5. Twilight Euphoria
6. Already In A Guild
7. Kaldorie Kartel (not sure on spelling)
8. stormwind city guard (still active)
9. KT Heros (still active)
10. Relentless Dawn
11. Darkness Within
12. Excelsius
13. Heavens Fire (still active)
14. Alpha Imeria
15. Hells Bells (still active original gleader still runs guild)
16. Elysion
17. Fable
18. Daoine Sidhe
19. need help from all of you to fill in the rest


Hey there! I was just a kid back in 2005, but KT was my home and I miss those days greatly…

Looking for a couple of folks, actually, here’s a list:

  • Edeno, night elf druid: Edeno… my great nemesis. I still remember you were one of my first encounters with the Alliance, you and two other night elves. It felt like a true RPG back then, encountering the enemy, trying to communicate. You challenged me to a duel while you were flagged and handily won with your level advantage. Still, you were kind, you /bow’ed to me. I went to return it, but accidentally right clicked you and hit you instead. I was promptly murdered by you and your friends. Whenever we saw each other in Booty Bay or Gadgetzan we’d fight, most of which always ended in my death. I miss you, man.

  • Göten, human paladin: Also one of my earliest encounters with the Alliance. Saw you come to the Sepulcher on your shining steed and take the fight to the guards. I was only in my mid 20’s and tried to stop you, I died terribly. Still, would be nice to see if you’re around, you also named your guild “Göten’s Guild” cause you’re awesome like that.

  • Flea, Gnome rogue: You killed me many times in WSG, but your name is emblazoned in my mind. I hope you’re well, you evil little ball of death. You were also in a guild called The Knee High Knights.

  • Sandwich, Gnome warriors: We never met or spoke, but I remember just how damned cool you were, an Alliance warrior riding the steed that dropped from Stratholme. My god I envied you.

All good times… miss em.

Suedehead I think

Suedehead lol

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Remembering a lot of guilds from back then, not so much with names however…

I played a Dwarf Warrior named Runstan. I would waste lots of time in Goldshire dancing on tables. I was in a small family guild Arcane Valor, which I doubt any of the members still play.

I played…well, this exact character. I mean this exact character; I’ve ridden this very one since the server opened in 2005 when I moved here from Eonar.

Soulsinger, Human Priest
With <Praesidium> (2005) and <The Watch> (2006)

I expect most of my old mates have moved on, but do wonder if any of the other terribly old people who used to get me killed to death by #$%@ murlocs are still around.

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I missed that, I switched servers mid-TBC when the guild was starting to fracture. Syl came back and I played with him a bit in Cata but I think he’s done for good now.

• Your character’s name, race and class.

• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.


Lem is Love? Love is Lem? Roleplayed as a crazy gnome in a priest robe. Preached the holy teachings of the Gnome Mother and her cupcake filled afterlife. I might have given you a random hug at some point.


My God it’s Lem! Hi!

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Fun thread! Recognize some names hope all my Kirin Torians are well.

My friend and I played night elf warriors Kamella/Kirah.

Fateous, your speedy priest antics and fun attitude was welcomed, hope to see you come back.

Yeah, I was in Darkness Within for a bit, I think. It’s all a bit of a blur as to remembering the names of the Guilds I was in…

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Thetitanus (The Titan US) as a Human Paladin. I can’t remember the name of my old guild, or my guildies. But

Oh Marcus. How I miss thee.

The Kaldorei what now? -Roo

I will see you there :wink:

Jonny, Syl, Set, Dire, Ivan, Thad…good times
