Hey there Clev/barney jr.
Guess who
Looking for former guild master Evangeleigh (sp?) and person who introduced me to WoW, RL name Jason E. in AZ. My main and first toon in KT is Jorvan, human warrior
This is my original toon, Abarra. I got started a little late and I had forgotten the name of my first guild until someone mentioned it above.
Dark Titans
I remember Ashadion, but not much else. We moved to Farstriders when KT got overcrowded and Blizz announced they’d do involuntary server transfers to Farstriders if enough people didn’t move voluntarily.
DT eventually got absorbed into Heaven and Earth on Farstriders. So long ago…
Deletor, the original lazy fury warrior from Honored Knights. As casual as they come, I am. I may have been dropped on my head as a child.
wassup brahh its (hellsing) traveled right there with you in all of those guilds
lets see back in the day when the game first came out i joined (The Highguards) Under the name Hellsing i joined with my RL friend Zohar
Guilds that i can remember----------searphic, zeal, Naughty Secrets, im sure there was more that i was in.
Heya Ulf! Razmire checking in. Been playing Horde on and off, and popped in on Ally on KT a few times. Haven’t played much since Legion. Definitely going to be checking out Classic, will be playing both side for sure. See you in Azeroth!
DoA / RD Hunter. Probably be either bloodsail, pagel or herod for classic and imagine pvp would be more the focus instead of raiding for 4 hours. Good seeing a lot of slumbering souls. I don’t know what side I’ll play.
Wow, so many familiar faces on here!
Yorkie - Gnome Mage
Karma - Gnome Rogue
Spent some time in Seraphic, then moved over to DOA / Relentless dawn for the remainder of vanilla. Hope to see some of you over on Bloodsail Buccaneers!
Stalaureye - Night Elf Hunter
Enders and The Dragonflight
Played late Vanilla and all of Burning Crusade and a bit into Wrath.
Mocrid - Night Elf rogue in Vanilla
Dithisha - Shaman in BC
Hencostos - Prot Paladin in BC and Wotlk
I see a few familiar names here. This is a pretty neat forum.
Shadowlock - NE Rogue in RD. I recognize a lot of people posting, hello! I’ll be pretty casual. Some PvP server, will see which one.
Warlik here, looking for the old gang of the EoE guild, or any old pug running buddies… See many familiar names, Welcome back to everyone. R.I.P. Nogginfogger, you were the best, bro, and sadly missing you in the Vanilla reboot.
I remember being in a tux and placing beer mugs all over ironforge ground. Oh the memories.
Pibb <-- me
Jarlan <-- Dwarf Hunter
Ghunor <-- Dwarf Paladin
Ohhh what fun. Had some realllyyy good times in Kaldorei Kartel. Remember laughing so hard i was crying talking to some friends from KK on vent more than a few times. I especially remember one night when our sole DPS warrior (lol) Dairmund cursed over vent during a raid…and his dad (our warlock Co-GM…can’t remember his name)…got off vent long enough to walk into his room to smack him in the back of the head. LOL
Decided to save my old names Tahvonen and Steelshot on Bloodsail RP server…muahaha
/waves Lycanthe here! I was racking my brain trying to remember folks Gwynn and I had played with and here is one name that remembered!
Lycanthe - Dwarf Hunter. Looking for members of Stars of Glory. I used to play with my wife Gwynned and remember this guild being an awesome group of folks.
Oh my god, I dont believe I ran into this thread. I still have my preiestly speed item. Hail, our glorious GM of fabled heroes! I stayed in that guild forever after most became inactive. Alas eventually I had to quit.
I still run with 2 of the other members, Avvana, and I forget what name the other dude ran with, had a druid named Seele I think.
I remember also Clangedon the hunter, kept in contact with him for a while but I have not heard of him in ages.
Im planning on rolling on Grobbulus, and maybe Bloodsail, doubt ill have time to play both.
Haha… remember that!
Dair and I were always competing on the DPS meter. His Dad was Setsoru or something.
Then there was the night Syl got so mad you could hear him throw his headset. Good times
That’s right …Setsuro! (or something like that!) . Syl…got mad…quite a few times…lol. But, i was always laughing at him when he did. Good times indeed!
I wonder…is that Markcus …the Pally captain? Curious. I remember we had 2 named like that…good peeps.