King's Diversity Space Tool explained

Heterosexual whites of average intelligence are simply collateral damage. No biggie, apparently

Knowing WoW developers, they’ll somehow tie character diversity into player power.


well maybe, but “I don’t see race” is probably worse. At least for ME, that’s more offensive.

When I hear people say that, what I think they are saying is: “I’m white and privileged so I rather ignore that racism exists and there are people suffering. Nope, I don’t want to know about it; racism is a myth.”

it’s funny that I could actually see this happening. Yes, they can be either amazing, or crazy incompetent at times. It’s like they are throwing darts to see how bad they want to be at their job that day.

Man it’s so long since I’ve seen that movie. LOL

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I sincerely doubt the creators of the tool felt or thought that way.
They just didn’t have anyone to tell them no when they worked on the thing.
I can 100% imagine some early 20’s kids thinking this was a great idea to help without looking at the bigger picture. But for some reason nobody stepped back and took a look and told them assigning numbers to people based on their appearance and ability is demeaning. It’s very easy to have a well intentioned idea turn out horribly wrong like in this case.
Stuff like this, especially if you are going to present it publicly needs to go through multiple iterations and focus groups or else you end up with this PR disaster. Whoever approved all this really stepped in it.

If I rated myself with this thing I’d only score points for being over 40 and having mental health disorders, that just feels bad.

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But you still wouldn’t score high enough. They would have to make you a hybrid race with some alternative lifestyle expressions, to get you up to a proper score lol

Why should one put a y with dieresis in his name…

to get less whispers. Also, Wyrm, Wyvern and Draco were already taken.

Interestingly enough… my characters were named after dragons before we even had a dragon expansion… and now that we have it I am utterly disappointed.

Reactionaries don’t care.

If they were interested in introspection or learning new things they wouldn’t be reactionaries.

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So you’re assuming I’m white… and black people couldn’t disagree with this type of thing?

And if you’re really adventurous you might head on over to youtube and search for “Fake woke reaction” and “Raw Thoughts V reaction”


I didn’t say you were. I said nothing about YOUR identity. I said that when people say they don’t see race, I read it as they don’t want to acknowledge racism.

And as a reply to me

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exactly. I’m not changing my words.

When people tell me “they don’t see race” I read it as:

If you tell me YOU don’t see race. Then that is my initial basic assumption of you. If you say something else, I don’t make that assumption.

I am someone who lived through and was affected by affirmative action. This will not end well.


I’m assuming when people say that they mean that they don’t let race affect their judgement or treatment of people. Saying “I don’t see race” is probably not the best way of saying that.

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exactly, I rather them say “I understand systems of oppression but I don’t let them cloud my judgement” (in their own words) than say “I choose to ignore systems of oppression exist.”

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Its pandering to a very small but vocal crowd.

Where did I say that?

What I said was

The point of which is learning to see past identity. To judge people by the content of their character.

Which is apparently grounds for a soft and unfalsifiable accusation of racism. To declare the person an apostate, a heretic to the cause. Someone who’s opinion can be ignored.


Sounds about right. :rofl:

This whole thing is a joke and a meme.


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And yet, if you sit there right where you are qnd click on any 60 they have at least one, if not two legendary items.

Not a single white item. At all.

So much for the rarity theory.