King's Diversity Space Tool explained

And therein lies the issue.

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Or say something like, "I judge people on an individual basis and not based off of stereotypes or the actions of others. "


I didn’t say you did. Where did I say you said that?

Yeah, that’d be good too.

This is what bothers me:

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Yep, from your own reference: “People don’t mean what THEY mean, they mean what YOU THINK they mean.”

Good job, at least you have that lesson learned.

PS: I’m Hispanic.

They meant well im sure…

Quantifying diversity is tokenism in my book. Use diverse characters because you want to. Not shoehorn it in… it demeans us all.

That’s a pretty funny video.

Also, a funny video.

When you put white as “standard,” this is by definition white supremacy. This explicitly means being different levels of non-white is something other than being what they consider the “standard” race. Like white is some kind of default race, and everyone who is non-white is some level of other. Are you black? Apparently you are 5 points off of our new racial “standard.” But the woke smooth brains think this isn’t blatant racism.

This of course goes for the rest with similar obvious bigotry.

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You need to find a new and healthy hobby OP. This is ridiculous.


it’s the standard race of the average hero lead in media. Ex, Captain America and the 17 other white dudes in Marvel, vs Black Panther, and the 2 other black dudes in Marvel.

I’ll repeat it a million times, but the number doesn’t mean one race is better than the other, it just means one person is different from the other in that particular trait.

What is?

So is my fiancé, so what?


You don’t think that perhaps whites are painted into a corner? If whites see race, they’re bigoted. If whites don’t see race, they’re privileged. If whites move out, it’s bigoted white flight. If whites move in, it’s privileged gentrification.
It’s as though whites can’t do anything right, under the current paradigm

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He was implying I’m a white American. That’s it.

Do you have a problem with it?

Not at all, in fact I only date Hispanic women.

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Sometimes, that is true. Some people will take it to the extreme and you can’t win regardless of what you do or say, but most of the times no. The struggles of being called out on privilege are very minor compared to lacking said privilege.

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It’s way better to blame all of your life failings on white people. Good luck bro, you’ll need it.


For now. Do you not recognize this phenomenon as snowballing with no end in sight?

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  1. no one does that
  2. if you only date people because they are a specific race, I have bad news for you…

I do. And I don’t think it’s a good thing; I agree with you. But if we start talking about those things early enough we could maybe prevent them. Ignoring a problem definitely doesn’t solve it.

However, that tiny problem still can’t compare to actual equity issues. So, one thing at a time, maybe?

Carry as much water as you can for Acti-Blizzard, we already know exactly what it is.

“I don’t see race” video is good, especially if you watch it all the way to the end.

Pretty funny.

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