King's Diversity Space Tool explained

you can call it whatever you want. I honestly have no quarrel with anyone here, even the people vehemently against it. I’m just trying to reduce misinformation, and hopefully decrease (or divert?) the outrage.

There is so much wrong with Dragonflight to be complaining about this nonsense.

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Excellent analogy!


What do you find so wrong about Dragonflight?

it’s actually literally the exact same thing, except instead of about being good or bad poetry, about how DIFFERENT a character is.

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I think my other problem is that I had no idea of any outrage going on.
Your thread was the 1st one I read as it seemed interesting but I’m essentially clueless as to what’s going on.

Interesting. However when I look at the games that my two kids play, there’s literally no straight white men. Considering whites make up approximately 50% of the US population, One would think that at least 25% of the available characters should be white men regardless of other “alternative factors”

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I guess I’m glad to hear my thread overtook the 5 threads talking about how racist the thing supposedly is…

There’s still one thread with 100+ likes saying it’s the worst thing invented since torture devices… (not in those words), but it seems to have been buried finally.

Pretty much all of it except the art. But I’ll live, I guess.

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Did you see that the point of the video is just showing how wrong is reducing poetry to numbers?

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Yes, two doctors can have two very different opinions. One likes quantifying value, the other says that’s “excrement.” Both are opinions.

That doesn’t mean we should just NOT have tools to quantify things. The tool simply helps, you can choose to use it or not.

Well. Instead of judging poetry it’s judging people by their immutable characteristics. Essentially judging people by the color of their skin.

And I think the take away from the scene and the movie is, tear that system out and judge the poetry by the content of it’s prose.


Oh, you root for “Dr. Pritchard”. Thanks, that cleared everything.

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but that’s the point, it not judging or saying one thing is better than the other. It’s only measuring the level of variability / difference.

yes, but we can’t judge a person without seeing their external traits. The book comes with a cover… yes, the outside doesn’t matter nearly as much as the inside, but it is still there and it matters at least a little.

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Wow. When you word it like that, it really unmasks the true disgusting nature of this tools intent


See my follow up comment

usually very straight forward trait if they have a child or are in a relationship with he opposite gender, or have lost their opposite gendered significant other.

Jaina has dated like 5 characters, all male, regardless of race. She’s clearly straight. How do you let your kids play WoW?

Often, less is more. The unclothed truth hidden behind the smoke and mirrors. Just as revealed by Robin Williams in “Dead Poets Society”.

But to answer your question more directly, my kids are teen and preteen, so shielding them from sexual preferences and alternative lifestyles isn’t as much of a thing now

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The tool was created by someone extremely naïve in their own little bubble would be my guess.
The real question is how did this get past that stage into a publicly released thing. Who at the PR department saw this and though “That’s a great idea. Our fans will love it!”
Nobody wants to be reduced down to numbers even if the numbers aren’t inherently positive or negative indicators.

Honestly, the PR and marketing people for Acti-Blizz-King need to be retrained or replaced asap. They are consistently bad at their job.

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There was a point in time where the progressive goal was to learn to ignore these things. To avoid the baser instincts to other and put people into tribes.

Not codify it, systematize it, and assign values to it.


The world is full of “Dr. Pritchards”, alas.