King's Diversity Space Tool explained

The difference being… we define those characters, not because of their identities, but though their actions, personality and so on.

I don’t like my character because he’s a blue bi night elf, i like this character because he’s the only character that allows me to be very silly and have cartoony hell powers (And i mean literally cartoony, like stuff in loony toons, with a touch of anime) in RP while breaking the fourth wall, like Deadpool, or Freakazoid. (All the other characters i have are actually serious in RP)

No, the alternative is never any of the extremes here. Infact, i don’t know why were going to the extremes here at all. As in “Either everybody is super duper diverse, or everybody looks the same, or they all look like inhuman blobs–” No. You can just make characters that just happen to be any number of those traits. And i mean characters as in characters. The ones where they have an arc, have personality, went though a journey, actions, all that stuff… something that pretty much anybody can have.

Point being, Just because these two things are popular, doesn’t mean they are the standard.

People clearly understood this tool and you explaining it to them simply removes the doubt being that people won’t understand it now by offering a simplified explanation about it. How you think you’re still in the position of discrediting people’s criticisms or their very valid outrage even (As extreme the reaction is, they aren’t wrong in how they feel) by labeling it “Illogical” right after that?.. :man_facepalming:

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you can also build a house without ever using a hammer, it doesn’t mean that having the hammer wouldn’t make the job easier.

You can also cut a salad and never use a knife. Should we not have knives? Knives can be used to kill people.

God for you. I wouldn’t say people like a character based on their inherent identity traits alone either… but when it comes to character creation, you have to start with the basic identity… then build those traits that people do love, like character or personality. You started from the basis of Night Elf rogue, THEN you did the rest. The tool is just nerdy character creation using numbers instead of different face graphics or tatoos.

Completely different arguments here and you’re pulling straws in order to justify a tool that isn’t even a functional tool. Sure it works, and semi does what it makes out to do, but in a very poorly designed way that actually makes the point worse.

What exactly would it make easier? Checking off check boxes instead of making characters that people would look up to based on character and story arcs?

You can also use a knife as a hammer but that’s besides the point.

So with that, you would agree that someone could use the tool for nefarious purposes other than what it was “designed” to do, which it can appear to be designed to be diverse and everything of the like, but in reality it’s just a red herring.

I’m not saying we should or should not use it. I’m trying to look at it as simply a TOOL. It does nothing past what it is intended to do. I’m judging the tool for what it is, not for its potential for danger.

If we stopped having tools due to their potential danger… we wouldn’t have the internet, and heck, the internet is one useful tool.

In golf these are called handicaps.
So basically it seems like there will be no incentive for game creators, to create straight white men, which un-ironically, make up a huge chunk of any given games playerbase.
Seems like a really unintelligent business move. Unless of course the omission of straight white men is being done on purpose of course

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While I agree with your overall point I think it’s important that we don’t go too far and say this is going to be used nefariously. At most it’s just a slimy corporate reporting tool where they can say “we improved diversity by 15%, now don’t sue us thx.”

That is just uncalled for.

no one is eliminating the standard, they are just quantifying it.

There is still a place for the 0’s across the board, just like there’s a place for a 5 or a 2 or a 10… that’s the point… diversity. Instead of having three 0’s, you have one 0, a 1, and a 2.

Ah I see you’re point now.

True I could have used a different word there. Nefarious was a little too… hard hitting. you know what I mean?

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the most likely bad use for it will be:
“We gave you writers this fancy tool to come up with characters faster. Why are you taking a year to write a novel? You should have written the whole thing in 8 hours.”

They’ll most likely use it to justify cutting hours. Past that, people are just being way too extra.

Those aren’t traits. Those are incidentals.

Otherwise, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

edited: Definition Of Trait /Meaning

  • A distinguishing quality (as of personal character) Example: Curiosity is one of her notable traits.
  • An inherited characteristic.
  • A stroke of or as if of a pencil.
  • A quality that makes one person, animal, or thing different from another.
  • An inherited characteristic.

Note the word “inherited”.


Lol wait does this make Anduin a 0 - 10? XD

No, no god for me. :laughing:

Me no want God! I want mister red man. :rofl: /j

I know you mean “Good for you”, but i just find this slipup funny considering this character’s RP.

I mean that’s a fine way to design a character and all, but my point is, people don’t really need to be constantly reminded of a basic identity and it would be better if people find out on their own.

Also ironically enough, a good chunk of the employees, including the CEOs or leaders of Activision and it’s subsidiaries.

It’s about a tool which gets as input a person’s characteristics and outputs a score. A bit like gearscore, but for people.


Ah, ty. I get it now.

I don’t like it.


Right, so white is not inherited?

And that is a fine assertion. But sadly, character identity is the first thing we see, before we ever get to know the personality. Identity is the book cover, before we open to read it. It matters a lot, even if it’s not the most important.

Oof this is why I’ll never envy professional writers. Writing as a hobby is fun, but as a job… idk how people do it.

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But there is NO WAY such a tool could be used in a bad way! :stuck_out_tongue:

This made me think of this scene. Which may be an overly generous analogy.


Yes, “white” is inherited as can be money however, they are still incidental so that word fits better than trait.

I know I’m nitpicking but this has been bothering me because people make trivial things out to be too important and thereby overshadowing the real good, important stuff about us.
All of us.

Anyway, that’s my gripe & also my problem. Not yours.
Feel free to ignore me.

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