King's Diversity Space Tool explained

The app is based around the real world value, being a woman would automatically gave you 5 points, which mean any female character would never have absolute 0 score in diversity, that’s how it works.

Female Blood Elves would get different score each time, being a Paladin mean you’re crippled (0 mobility) that mean your score will be higher than Female Blood Elves Demon Hunter (But they’re also blind so that’s extra points for DH).

There are also black female Paladin and that would also get factored in Beauty points.

But at the end of the day, being a female Blood Elves would always get you at least 5 points.

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I hope this “0 or 5” little quarrel serves to highlight, at least for somebody, why turning people into numbers is not an idea.

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your logic is impeccable you deserve my doctorate’s. I will mail it to you.

Thank you, it’s exhausting to explain to people that has 0 clue on how the app works.

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Oh no, I’m straight zeros across the board.

I’m cancelled, but my GF is a solid 10 according to the numbers given.
If only I could lose my limbs in a horrible accident and thus become more appealing!

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I only need to tune in to Tucker Carlson to know what this is about.

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I only very rarely agree with him on anything, but would love to see a big expose on the diversity tool.

remember, 0 does not mean you are less than. It just means you are average. Also, good for you on dating someone so physically different, that is not very common.

Nah, it’s just a +5 for being a woman and what I’m assuming is a +5 for being Korean.
I need to pick up 10 points somewhere, because this is WoW… and I must win.

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If you do, I can send you one of my 3 doctorate degrees…

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oh, you don’t add up the numbers, you average them.

I guess technically, you’d add them, then divide by 10. So, she’d be a 1, also very close to normal.

That’s not bad, because a 0 in body means she’s hot. Good for you either way.

Is it just me or is giving someone a number rating based on their race, gender and intelligence counter productive to the point they are trying to make?

Just make the characters however they see fit and give them story! We see the story, make our own decisions, and no issues.



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Not having a doctorate scores any points?

You get negative points.

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any of them psychology related, I’ll need them for license renewal eventually…

maybe, but that’s more of an ethical question about how the tool is used, not a judgement on the tool itself.

Wouldn’t an ethical question be a judgement though? Like, “is this tool the right thing to use for this… should this tool exist due to ethical reasons?”

Oh, I had already negative points for language and age, so I guess my only hope is that spaceship.


good question. Maybe it shouldn’t exist.

But it is a useful tool for character creation. That’s the extent of its purpose.


But if they were good at their job they wouldn’t need the tool. Like, it seams redundant. If you want to write a story about a woman with 1 arm going around killing dwarves and other stuff, then you do that. It’s in the story telling and imagery for the character.

Putting a number on something like that is uh… yeah not a very good idea. If it was in coding like numbers on a list that’s one thing, but it’s a rating on how “diverse” someone is in their character universe.

In other words, “this one is higher on the diversity scale they get put into our roster of characters. How many check marks does this check off?” I don’t mind diversity at all in games (it’s welcoming) when done correctly.

It’s when it’s making tools like this make it not as impactful as it could be and in a way that doesn’t take away from the focus of the character in the game and the story arc for said character.

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