King's Diversity Space Tool explained

You know I wrote that on the thread, right?

That’s how the tool counts the number value because it’s based on the specific normalcy parameter that Male is the standard for a hero.

But the standard for a WOW character is female, hence the parameters would be different in this context.

You said Female Blood Elves would get 0 across the board, did you even read your own post?

You’re a white male mage, you’re the 0 across the board.

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I lost my 5 for not being a native English speaker (that’s -5). Even inclusion has limits, and language is one, as I have experienced.

Not speaking english would actually get you more points.

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The normalcy parameter depends on what is normal for each context. In the context of WoW Female Blood Elf pretty paladin IS the norm.

Blood elf or paladin are net even parameters on the Overwatch context.

if they had it on the list, yes. Or maybe as a subset in culture / ethnicity

Can’t enter into details here, but trust me, it’s -5 at best.

there are no negative numbers in the scale, it ranges from 0 to 10.

Let’s say that there are circumstances where not being an English native speaker will be punished, so at best -5.

As i said, you have no clue on how the app work, being a woman in Overwatch net 5 points, and that game definitely doesn’t lack female characters.

You implying it’s based on the game’s universe is just you being misinformed.

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This is a VERY important point. Sometimes, in the pursuit of diversity, people do this and it can feel very disrespectful. I often have this happen to me being a minority in my own country. People often say “you’re my first [race] friend!” And while I try to play it off, I do get a little annoyed and tend to avoid interacting with them because it tells me that they only see me for my race.

I prefer being around with people who just don’t care. I like people who judge you based on your personality, actions, and goals.


It is based on the STANDARD HERO in media. Like Captain America (he’s a full 0 across the board).

But it can be based of any normalcy standard you want to make. The normalcy standard of WoW playable toons is not the same as the normalcy standard of movies, book, and overall videogames.

But sure, be offended for being average. You are one in a million… everyone has a toon like yours… and somehow that offends you?

Yes, tokenism is not ideal, but it is definitely better than ignoring the existence of people.


That’s true as well

at the end of the day… it’s just a tool. What matter is how it is used.

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That’s the reason I avoid like the plague to disclose my actual ethnicity.

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the source is their post… they posted it. They showed the parameters of normalcy they are using. The parameters match the common hero in media; there’s literally 50 million heroes that match that description.

The same parameter that showed female get 5 points in gender identity baseline?

Can you actually read?

which I posted, can you?

So how the hell did you get to conclusion that female Blood Elves would be 0 across the board.

0 is not 5, 2+2 = 4.

Learn to math.

Ok, smarty pants…

What is the value of Blood elf then? How do you propose zeroing normalcy under new parameters? How do you do z scores and standard deviation?

Please, explain math to me…