King's Diversity Space Tool explained

It’s not the worst way to create a new character, I suppose in a way it gives you the characteristics of somebody new and your job then would be to write a story around them.

Still sort of pointless to announce it like that.


Elden Ring, clearly THE game of the year, sold over 13 million copies because of it’s super diverse cast of characters.

What’s that? All the characters look white? Oh, well, nvm.

The virtue signaling by some of these companies is pretty atrocious. Gamers really don’t give a crud what level of diversity exists within their games lol.


Thinking back even Dark Souls and Sekiro didn’t have a diverse set of chars and yet they were awesome. Just goes to show when you make a good game, you get rewarded.

More recently I got Strangers of Paradise Final Fantasy Origins and one of the 4 warrior of light party npc members is black, and that had no effect on me how I saw the game, for good or for bad. That being said, the game isn’t as positively reviewed for other reasons related to being a “different final fantasy game” or “FF game in Nioh/Nioh 2 style gameplay”(more action oriented) in gameplay from typical FF games but that’s an entirely different issue altogether.

This was how I was hoping it would be implemented as well. Put in a stronger component of things like personality traits, powers, moral alignment, quirks, things like that. Then query your database to identify if there are any gaps e.g. not enough anti-heroes compared to heroes.

E.g. you can go to a website called rangen and there are a bunch of generators like appearance, archetypes, motive, personality, super powers etc… one of my favorite things to do when I think of a new character to write is to hit ‘random’ on powerlisting just to get ideas.

they can easily do that by changing parameters… or simply adding new ones.

Last time I check there are no real Tauren, or Orc, or Undead, or Night Elves, Dranai, Dwarves, or Trolls that anyone that plays this game has a real world equivalent that when they look in the mirror they can in any way shape or form see themselves, yet somehow we can all identify with our characters.

Diversity and Inclusion has been designed specifically to destabilize a society that was growing toward ever more equality and harmony. It is dogma for an evil cult that only knows how to destroy.

You have fallen pray to the insidious ideological brainwashing of narcissistic psychopaths who have created a cult simply because they are angry that they are not the tyrants in power.


Nah this explanation just made me more agitated. This tool is rainbow capitalism at its absolute worst.


It’s good to see people fight back against this crap.


Fixed it…

I highly doubt you can achieve something like that if people continue to conflate criticism as outrage or something that is invalid. But go on.

That’s fine to do.

And i think that’s a valid reason to be against this. I mean by whatever the scale considers to be standard, how do you think people would feel by an AI coded by humans mind, thinks that this particular trait is standard and therefore a zero?.. I’m not even talking about being used against real people here, i’m simply talking about the idea of it.

But don’t you think their could’ve been a better way to show that?.. I mean to a lot of the people who has different traits, i would imagine they just want to be normalized or treated just like a human being, rather then make it special because their different from… whatever the tool thinks is the standard.

I also don’t think the Tool (or the people programed the tool) recognizes that there isn’t a set in stone global standard in place.

Obviously, if you go to America, there will be lots of Americans. But this sort of thing is true for other countries and places:
Asia has a lot of Asians, Africa has a lot of Africans, and so on.

And there isn’t a problem with that. None of the traits showcased in games whether it be whatever the tool thinks it’s standard or not, are bad.

Have we not considered the fact that movies or games call for those sorts of roles, not because it’s the standard, but because it’s what the artists envisioned?

…Hold up, what?.. So, were just going not going to explore the individual lead character’s cultures and races, and instead just blanket them with this?..

Also, Power rangers? Power rangers??.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
You picked a show that was already diverse to a point where 2 out of 5 leads are American white guys, while the rest is an American-Canadian white woman, African American man and a Vietnamese-American woman?

I don’t think you understand the impications of assigning a zero on there. It’s not because they are worse or better because they have that traits. I don’t think anybody normal will ever say that. The problem comes from thinking the standard is bad and being different is good. And vice versa.

Well… it’s because this example with these combinations you’ve made is virtually impossible to exist. I don’t think it will ever be possible to meet a North Korean who’s culture is Arabic and Pan.

But i digress. My question is… why?.. Why do you want to see that?.. I’m not saying you’re wrong, i’m simply asking why? Is it just the need to differentiate? I mean, is it simply seeing yourself on there? Or something?

I understand what you are getting at and it’s a fine enough message. I just don’t think you understood the wider implications this has besides this.

And this is also supposedly done to avoid tokenism… which this tool doesn’t do and only creates more tokenism.

That doesn’t make it any better or any accepted because it’s normal. If anything, this shows us that it’s slowly becoming an outdated concept, or a concept that needed serious eye to be looked at.

…Greeks aren’t the standard. Sure, we adopted some of the stories and what not, but they aren’t the standard. And it’s ignoring other race’s or cultures stories here.

… Faster, sure… but i think a lot of people would rather have natural diverse characters.

Well, after understanding more about it… i think it’s safe to say that my opinion on it as well possibly others haven’t changed a bit.

It’s not really fair to compare this tool to a hammer, because a hammer does both: solve whatever problem it needs and make things worse for people. The Diversity tool didn’t exactly solve the problem it needs to, and only seem to just make things worse (minus the maiming bit).

I will say this, if i have to be charitable here, from how you describe it, it sounds more like a complex Randomize button like in The Sims or something.

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Exactly. It’s impossible to be logically consistent with this diversity and inclusion stuff. The character tool is trying to quantify immutable physical characteristics, many of which are protected by US civil rights laws (for a reason), into this bizarre taxonomy. This is exactly the thing the west has been against since we decided to have civil rights initiatives that include everyone.

This is a hair-brained idea and they should fire whoever pushed this initiative in the first place. Complete disaster.


So basically you need to be something out of the normal or youre a big fat nobody and get it rubben in yohr face you as a normal standard are less desired.

This is kinda a crappy way to talk about people… Youre not defined about characteristics youre born into. You stand out by making yourself better. Your entire identity being youre sexuality or skin or body shape is so shallow and its vapid.

Im gay but if people want to press onto me that thats my identity and what i should 100% be about then they are fake allies who are patronizing and dont actually see me as anything other then a damn token to prance how gay I am.
That to me is dehumanizing and no longer seeing people as anything but their sex, gender and race…

I am not a number on a damn score card. I am a human freakin being. Tyvm.


bro but who actually gives a crap about any of this… this is forums for a fantasy role playing game wtf is this

No. It’s just a way of numbering normalcy for the sake of visualizing statistics, not a way of saying you are better than others.

You know being a woman get at least 5 points right?

Given how poorly they do both, I am not sure this is a plus any way. They shouldn’t need a “tool” to help them make creative characters and if they do, they should be replaced.

What a drama queen…

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The standard Hero in media is a very well researched stereotype. But you are right, there’s no standard of personhood. That’s why the tool exists to add diversity from the perceived standard.

And again, this entire thing has been done by hand forever… it’s nothing new. YOU did this, I did this, WE have ALL done this every time we create an alt (in which case, the perceived standard would be your main).

The alternative would be to make every character look like inhuman blobs, or make all characters look identical (not even male vs female difference).

Who said they were?

Again, yes, outrage. Illogical outrage.

That’s NOT how that works. Depends on what the standard is, what the MOST COMMON thing is. And in WOW, female is more common than male. In lead hero roles of media overall, yes, male is the standard.

Also, again, it’s not “points.”

Oh, not yet…

You’re making stuff up man, the app never said it’s balanced around the video game world.

In Overwatch there are many womxn hero and being women there gave you 5 points.

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