King's Diversity Space Tool explained

I’m glad to hear that.

You are a gift.

And I mean that sincerely.


When I was in college we used to play MUDs because MMO’s weren’t a thing yet. Basically they were the precursor to games like Everquest, DAoC, WoW, etc. They were text based and coded in a language called LPC, a derivative of the C programming language. MUDs fell out of popularity when games like Ultima Online and Everquest launched because MUDs were text based and lacked graphics. They just couldn’t compete.

One thing that was nice about MUDs though was that when you hit max level, level 20 in most cases, you could ascend to the status of programmer/content creator for the game. That’s how I learned to code.

For any that might remember those days, I playd on Viking, Kingdoms, and Tsunami. One thing I did was to take the NPC tables from the AD&D Dungeon Master’s Guide and turn them into a bunch of random case-switch routines in a master file to generate random NPC’s for my area. That was Thirty Years Ago.

So this is what MIT is up to these days? Adapting 30 years ago code to fit The Message™?

Pardon me for being completely unimpressed. All the possibilities that On-The-Fly NPC Generating Code brings to the table, and this is how they choose to apply it? I honestly feel ill.


the tool also puts it in a cute decagon for visualization; but yes, it’s very basic / simplistic. I’m sure 90% was just adding the visual input. The numbers, or averages can be done by anyone just using Excel.

That awkward moment when you try to “explain” something and make it sound even worse. Sorry bro, but no matter how you try to suss up Eugenics, it’s still Eugenics.


you can see it however you want to see it, and you are very much allowed to have your own opinion. But, no one is selecting specific traits in existing humans to guide human reproduction. And no one is aiming at decreasing diversity (Eugenics would be trying to have more 0’s and 1’s, or killing everyone past an average of 7 or 5 or some other number).

Creating fictional characters =/= Creating human beings.

Shouldn’t the writers be the ones who come up with character combinations based on the story being told? The problem here is that you might consider it a time saver to just use a tool to make sure there are X number of specific characteristics, but if it does not make sense within the game world then it is a failure.

Not to mention the fact that they said Overwatch 2 used it but the Overwatch 2 team tweeted they had never heard of the tool.

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yes, this is correct


yes, maybe at its core is just a way for Blizzard to underpay writers…

That definitelly looks bad.

Anyway, the point is: don’t judge the tool. Judge the moron that finds a crappy way to use said tool. (Or… praise the smart person that finds a great way to use said tool.)

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You mean the only possible “non-racist” game development is one where all characters are white males?

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No amount of explaining is going to justify the tools existence.

That they have a tool at all is creepy af.


Not sure where you got that from. The most possible non-racist game development is where you just make a game to be good and for gamers, without trying to virtue signal and be politically correct at every turn influencing the game’s design overall to be garbage. One such example is FF7, you have Barrett who’s freaking awesome with a machine gun hand and a family he lost and then you have Cloud who’s freaking awesome with a giant sword and no family to be known because he was an experiment. I like them both ignoring their race or skin color because its their character design that was awesome, not because of the race they are or any other features.


All it has ever done is promote division and hatred.


So it doesn’t matter whether they’re all white guys or all white guys, the game will organically create the appropriate mix of characters that will appeal to the diverse audience you hope to buy your game.

Nah, when you hire all white guys and have all white guys in charge, the game is developed around their vision of how gaming is. Which is sacrificing its potential audience.

I’m not going to explain myself to you anymore, your trying to start something controversial and get me to say something that sounds bad and its evident. Not going to feed your agenda. Have a good day.


I’m starting to see why so many people play sports games, they don’t have to deal with this nonsense lol.

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It’s critical theory. You didn’t need to turn it into a homework assignment.


I’d rather we get biological ratings!
Female = XX chromosomes
Male = XY

Having XY is more diverse than having XX.
Therefor you need to switch the male and female around, male is 5 and female is 0.

You can then have the other XXY, XXYXY, XYYXYY, YXYXYXY, etc as 10s!


You say this while saying people are OuTrAgEd in the other thread despite how I can also identify that the tool can be used as a means of gap analysis. But it’s very transparent that it’s a corporate HR tactic and not exactly being used in a genuine way.

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Indeed, this is going to corrupt video game dev in the future, but luckily we won’t be around after 100+ years has passed and games are ruined by ideals and no longer made to be fun.