King's Diversity Space Tool explained

Genuine representation > Virtue Signalling > Doing Nothing > Going on forums saying everything is virtue signalling > Being racist


I don’t qualify in any case.

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I’m going to go out on a limb and say that there are not nearly enough numbers to adequately represent the diversity of the human race with the character budget that Blizzard is going to be working with.

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Me either :cry: I’m an Austrian Jew with brown hair and hazel eyes lmao. I’d be deeeeeeeeeeead

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And the solution is to further magnify that the groups that we don’t share physical characteristics with are different, and can never belong in the other groups no matter what they do?

The solution is to amplify how we are the same and the things we share, not the opposite.


the solution is to make sure everyone can find at least one character that looks like them in media. This tool is not the ONLY way to achieve it, but it is ONE more way to achieve it.

I’ll try to get some space for you, too, in the cargo hold of the spaceship.

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For the same reason that it would be bad to reverse this list (so white/young/male/no disabilities would score the points calling them “standard points” and giving a black/old/female/with disabilities a fat zero), it’s stupid to put any grade on this.

I get it, it still sits poorly with me that people like me score a 0.

It’s just a trash system, so I see why Blizzard did it.


all this is like the social credit system from china
you can lose the points as well gain them


I get the point of the tool, but this is not accurate. Most Americans that look white are actually genetically diverse. Me for example, look at me see while guy, but I am part American Indian. This is true for most of America and even across much of the world.

So if the effect of this tool is to add diversity where it may be lacking or just to see where it may be lacking, they will need a much more diverse data set.

it wouldn’t make much of a difference if they flipped it, other than visually. The numbers are just a measure of variability.

But I understand your point. At least subconsciously, the 0 feels bad.

It’s just that numbers are necessary for the tool to work, otherwise the tool can’t calculate.

Not at all. The numbers are set in this tool, they are not points to earn or lose.

The Chinese system is about rule conformity, not phenotypic variability. The Chinese system has more in common with teachers giving you gold stars for doing your homework.

No one is arguing otherwise. The tool represents visuals, not genes. Made up characters don’t have genes. There’s also no point on adding genes because each game or story has it’s own weird explanation of genetics… heck, in WoW, gnomes, dwarfs and humans come from machines, and trolls come from elves.

So they are putting values on book covers, nice!

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i know but i would not put it past people they would use something like this in real life


Hot diggity damn! We made it, boys :sunglasses:

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yes, there will always be bad people using neutral tools for harm… like the hammer example. But that doesn’t mean we should ban all hammers, just punish the people using the hammer wrong.

And no way being elderly scores you 10 points. More like -50.

From the other thread.

This looks like intersectionality gone off the rails.

Originally it had some very valid points and criticisms, but as with most valid things they tend to get pushed past the point of absurdity.

Pretty good critical explanation of what and where the concept is now:

And in fairness, a TED talk from one of the originators and proponents of the concept:

Something of note, the three panelist from the critical video are the three people from the grievance study hoax that tried to demonstrate that academically humanities has devolved into self referential nonsense.

Personally, there’s nothing wrong with having diverse options and there is valid criticism when it comes to players historically not having things like the skin color that best represents them.

The problem is, that’s a simple fix. Add those options. What this tool indicates is they are captured by this ideology that spreads like a cult and it’s redefining their core purpose. It’s no longer making good games, but pushing equity and proselytizing the good word.


Intersectionality is just Dungeons and Dragons rules for real life.

My racial passive is “White Privilege”: Gain a +2 modifier to all Charisma based ability checks and saving throws.


In 2016, Muslim clerics in Pakistan decided that hijra, a group that considers themselves a third gender and have some transgender/transition stuff going on, are able to marry and be buried with Muslims.

So it’s not something that will be universally rejected.

wanders into the thread, sets up a table full of tasty :bear::sandwich:, sits down on the floor with his favorite blankie, and hums a tuneless, wordless happy Gnomey song

Hi! I am Elmer! I mayd tasty :bear::sandwich: for everywun so we can all bee happy azeroth buddy palz and hav happy tummies! HOORAY!