King's Diversity Space Tool explained

lol, so who rage quit after all? You tried to troll and failed. Good job!

The media definitely has power and no one argued otherwise, but the media is not a person. The media is not a “who.” So, maybe… think logically before you look dumb.

Individual people having power? Those with money and weapons (especially nuclear).

Haha, i love this, America really should start seeing race again, nothing could go wrong.

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You know whats the most annoying thing in this world???

The savior syndrome that some white people have. God its cringe.

This tool is cringe. Its shows that these guys never had any interaction with people from other background.


I agree with spirit, I am Hispanic. I don’t race bait or have a victim mentality. Seriously stop being offended for me. Thanks

I don’t know a single person that blames their life failings on white people. I know many people who recognize there are systems of oppression that make it harder to success as a minority… but no one is blaming the whites for their personal struggles.

Also, that’s the whole point… stop being offended. Why are people so offended about a tool that just turns words into numbers, and then into a geometric shape?

Who is acting like the victim, really?

There’s a difference between race and culture. One can strive to be racially blind while still respecting (or potentially disrespect) someone’s culture. The point of not caring about race is to not judge people based on their physical characteristics but to judge them for their merit.

Ofc there’s going to be inherent biases and stereotypes that we all subject to. It’s part of how our brains are wired. But that can only be combated through learning about other people’s culture. Ask questions, be curious, and be aware that it’s impossible for us to know the full story.

I find it important that people recognize that we all vulnerable to how our brain functions when it comes to stereotypes and heuristics. There is nothing right/wrong with that. It’s whether we act with intentional harm, discrimination, aggression, or hold prejudiced beliefs about an entire group of people that is the problem.

But what happens with knowledge? You learn that ‘race’ is not specific enough. What is ‘white’ and what is ‘black’ or ‘brown’? Because the culture of an American of European decent varies widely based on whether their ancestors were from Italy, Ireland, Britain, or Germany. The same goes for African Americans, who tragically, lost a lot of their lineage and history due to slavery. And a big part of respecting ‘white’ people is to acknowledge that they are not just ‘white’, and a big part of respecting ‘black’ people is to respect their sense of loss and tragedy and their struggle in finding a new identity.

Then there are the various Indian ethnicities such as Hindi, Punjabis, Gujaratis, and Chinese such as Cantonese, Hokkiens and Teochews, along with new cultures forming for those who live abroad such as American-born Indians and American-born Chinese.

This barely even covers the surface.

There’s so much depth, complexity, and history in every single person you meet in life. This is why by reducing everyone to a ‘race’ causes people to perpetuate stereotypes about each other, and keep taking a step backwards.


you cannot be racially blind, unless you are actually blind.

If what you mean to say is “I don’t let racism cloud my judgement,” then is better to say just that, rather than say “I don’t see race, racism doesn’t exist.”

I feel what Furrfist means is that diversity is extremely complex and this tool cannot do proper justice to it


Honesty the way you talk and what you advocate for, does more harm than good. When we have color and gender take priority over merits. It sets progress back to the 50’s. Just look at the “white house press secretary” for example. That’s a big red truck.


I’ve never argued that. What are you on about?

I know, and I agree. I’m just saying “I don’t see race” is stupid because we all see race (unless we are blind).

what do you think this “tool” is if not a tool to put race first of all?

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well, this:

laugh out loud,

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Yeah I mentioned that. I didn’t mean racially blind as in literal blindness. I think we’re both in agreement here, it’s just the choice of wording.

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The US presidency doesn’t have the power you think and it’s also not what it appears to be.

Also, there can be no equity because in life, nothing is truly equal.


That perfect Utopia aint coming :pensive:

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Nope, it’s not but 99.9% of us are compatible and that’s how it’s supposed to work, from what I’ve observed in nature, in life.

But you knew that. I’ll be going now.


Sometimes I wonder if life will have meaning if we do achieve Utopia. It’s kinda weird to think about, but I think the reason why we cling to life is because it’s a struggle.


Even if the US president doesn’t have all the power in the world, he has the power to end nations with a nuclear launch.

Equity doesn’t mean equality. Equality would actually be everyone scoring a 0 in everything on that tool.

And, again, why are people so offended about a tool that changes numbers into a visual shape for fictional characters? These characters are literally already made of binary numbers (combinations of 0s and 1s). Why is it such a big deal that now they get MORE numbers?

We are drawn towards imperfections.

Come to think of it…why people play Horde more ? Maybe because of its imperfections that makes things intresting

Compared to Alliance…which is near perfect (making it somewhat boring)