King's Diversity Space Tool explained

I don’t even know how to react to that. But I guess, at least you are honest about it.

It perfectly encapsulates my feelings about the whole thing through comedy. <3

Bro I’m reading a lot of your comments and I’m starting to think that you must like being the center of attention. That or you’re completely blind to the ever growing red flags that’s happening in society.
Society has spent all these decades trying tk correct wrongs from the past, only to see those gaining political power starting to abuse the same power structures in the same way as the previous power holders.
And if you think “whites” hold the real power, I have bad news for you….


Start by growing up and realizing people have different tastes.


I’m honest about everything and I don’t live for social media “likes” unlike you.


if only nero had such destructive tools, he would be salivating at our collapse.

yeah… “taste”

You can think of me whatever you want. It’s your opinion.

Out of the top 10 richest people in the world, how many are not white straight men?
Out of all the presidents the US has had, how many are not white straight men?

Money and nuclear weapons are power. Unless you want to argue otherwise.

Ok, doing what I should have done before.

Deal with it.

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I don’t use social media, but you can keep making assumptions.

With what? You don’t have it?

Your entire life and routine are based on them. I guess you would be able to spot it. Sorry white people made you fail at life.

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I see. You think the us presidency is where the power lies.

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lol, yes… I’m sorry people don’t find you attractive so you have to fetishize a race to be able to get laid.

Trolling, plain and simple.

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Yes, I do. Anyone with the power to kill an entire country in they so choose is most certainly powerful in my opinion. Would you argue the US president is powerless?

Yep, you are very bad at it.

You are so tilted you broke the CoC. Good job!


Thank you, but keep it, you will need it more than me. But, good on you for editing the comment, at least you acknowledge it was… what it was…

Lash out with your pitiful rage. It’s all someone else’s fault.


who is raging? Are you?

Don’t worry, you are in ignore. Enjoy your miserable life.


Who is the president beholden to? For that matter, who are all of our politicians beholden to? Who is our military beholden to? Interest groups. Who’s the largest interest interest group and what’s their interests?
Central banks are the power. The media, news, Hollywood, p0rn, Disney etc. They have the power to subvert entire nations.

You probably think Elon musk has power because he’s the richest man? He has next to no power. He has more freedoms than most, but next to no power

Lurk moar young grasshopper