King's Diversity Space Tool explained

There’s a lot of nations and some individuals that also have the power to end entire nations with some pretty scary tech as well as nuclear launches.

Equity has the same essential meaning. This is what I found from Online Public Health:
“Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.”

While it sounds good in theory and can actually be put into practice with success for a time, it doesn’t last.
It eventually turns into Communism, where then everyone is having everything doled out to them and if they work for something or create something cool, it’s taken away for the “good of the community”.

I’ve not just seen this, I lived it. It sucks. Trust me on that.
And this is why I say that life itself is not equal and because of that, there can be no equity.

That doesn’t mean we can’t still have equal opportunities, which we did have for quite some time and it doesn’t mean that we don’t have the same basic human rights.
We have both of those.

As for why anyone is offended about a tool that changes numbers into visual shapes, I think it’s because we’ve had a relatively small group of really dumb, nasty people telling us what we are, how bad we are, that incidentals are what we are and nothing more, etc… for at least a couple years now.
We also have these same dopey people trying to institute a kind of social credit scoring, amoung other things and it’s just gotten past the point of absurdity and gone into flat out harmful stupidity.

So I think people are getting really tired of this and your system of reducing people to numbers based on incidentals kind of triggers them.

Can’t blame them really.


I think that since we don’t come from here, we’re not meant to stay.
We’re just passing through.

Why? Idk. I have my theories.

I also don’t think it’s supposed to be easy. I think that if we don’t have anything to strive for, we end up destroying not just ourselves but others as well. We can see this happening with the current celeb trial, we can see it with that group of people that think they run the world so they start wars they never intend to “win”.

I think life has meaning but we probably won’t be able to appreciate it or even understand it til it’s over.
Til then, we’re hard wired to survive so most of us do.

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Oh I got some thoughts on these!

Horde tends to feel like people who are upfront about their imperfections but then as a result they forget that they need to stop and temper that. It’s okay to accept our base impulses, but that doesn’t excuse us from acting on them.

While with the Alliance, it’s like a denial of that. There is a sense of hubris that they’re better than the Horde. But denial doesn’t make something go away, it just causes suppression and then a desire to find an external object to project that denied parts of themselves which they then villainize.

This is why I really liked MoP tbh. Pandaren culture was about trying to find a balance between the two, but the problem is that this often causes inaction which is why they suffered as a result of those two conflicting thought processes.