Kindly fix the bug that is allowing people with no subs to post

There is apparently a bug in new forums that is allowing people with no subs to post in forums .kindly fix it . Ty

Thats not a bug a active subscriptions always been required to post in 90% of the forums.

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Customer Support and Technical Support are two off the top of my head that I can think of that do not require a sub.


You’ve always been able to post on any of the support forums without a subscription. That’s not a bug. That’s intended. Old and new alike


And what I have said ? I have said that people with no subs are now being posting in threads when they should not be .

What he/she means is that people are able to post in GD without having an active sub. When the new forums went live it was possible to post without a sub so idk if it was fixed or not.

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Then post in the website bug forums because guess what no one here can do that.

It was a known bug for a short while. It was even posted on about in the General forum. I’m not currently subscribed. I cannot post in General.

Regardless it’s not a customer support issue. It’s for the website bug report. If it even still exist. Ultimately you don’t know if somebody is subscribed or not. Regardless of what they say. I’m unsubscribed I cannot post in General

if you do (OP) post on the Website Bug reports forum, make sure to detail WHAT forums that you think non-subscribers are posting on. Blizzard has quite a few of them. The more details the better.

The new forums have a slight desync and can let people without subscriptions to post freely when their game time expires.
That being said, that grace period isn’t very long and isn’t something I’d be overly worried over.

No, you only said that they can post in forums, you didnt mention which ones.