lightbound orcs joining alliannce might work
You want a bee mount then bee Alliance
Yeah can we not have faction locked mounts in general (except past racial mounts)? The entire thing is ridiculous. Both factions should have access to the new mount variants…
yeah let’s do that…
/secretly wants more wolf mounts available on the alliance.
People like you make me sad.
As if the Horde doesn’t get reskins and reclors either? Half of our vendor mounts from BFA were Pterodactyl’s. A model that BOTH Factions have had access to since Throne of Thunder’s meta achievement, not to mention the Battle of Dazar’alor meta achievement.
Our Blood tick mount from Talanji’s Expedition had a world drop recolor, which was one of the easier drop mounts to get, and as such is still pretty cheap on the AH.
Our Hyena mount from Voldunai also had a world drop recolor that was easily farmable due to hyper spawns of the Sethrak.
Kua’fon and Child of Torcali were both Horde only questlines that gave us recolors, while also becoming usable for Alliance upon completion. Alliance also got the hippo from PvP, of which Horde got a clefthoof recolor. Despite Blizzard saying these mounts were chosen based on zone zoology and whatnot…and yet the only hippos in BFA are in…Horde zones. Truthfully, Horde should have got the hippo and yall could have got a hexthralled stag or something.
You speak about all your horses and gryphons. But fail to realize Horde literally got zero unique mounts from BFA. Every single model we have, Alliance has available as at least one recolor.
Yet you goombas claim favoritism while the Alliance legit has more total UNIQUE mounts than the Horde. It’s pretty sad to be honest.
That said. Blizzard cannot make content with double standards. If mounts from Horde questlines are gonna be usable by Alliance upon completion, then Alliance mount questlines need to be usable by Horde upon completion. Both should be unlocked, or neither should be unlocked.
Worgen riding a Wolf would be a mood
*activates ninja swarf mode and tip toes all sneaky like into the Alliance stables with a ton of magical bee leashes and proceeds to make a train of many bees…
- oh noes the stable guard caught me! So I bribe her with some treats to look the other way
/leads the happily buzzing bees to Booty Bay and hands off leashes to horde friends…
Don’t forget your special limited edition murloc stickers too!
I completely agree with you my beautiful fel-flavoured elf.
((am Unian’s new forum toon))
I will trade you access to the bee mount and a couple of our dozen recolored horse mounts for access to some of the cooler Horde ones.
Oh beehave.
I bee seeing what you did there.
Buzz off
So? BfA also gave Horde multiple exclusive pterodactyl models. Heaven forbid the Alliance get something exclusive, too.
I would rather drink low sodium chicken broth filtered through a jock strap.
Don’t do buzz driving. Buzz driving is against the law.
I am beeing followed by a draenei on a petro mount. sure horde has a dead one that only they can use. But Alliance has access to the model.
Read what Illidette posted. ALL horde ‘exclusive’ share recolours with the alliance. Where the bee is unique in model to alliance.
Oh boy, another one of these posts. As if we needed more of this, just give the horde a recolor and call it a day, you guys got enough exclusive mounts from BFA while we got crappy horses and gryphons.
Not that I’m disagreeing with you on your thread, (if you want to get a bee for Horde go ahead and try) but the new necrolord insect fly mounts share a model with the bee. It just isn’t a bee.
It’s too unique to be considered a recolour, same for the black empire one that uses the same rig.
I will make a buzz like the helves did. But I pack a sting