Kind of want transmog in SoD

zoomer confirmed :expressionless:

Im 33. Also my dude :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless::expressionless: this is so annoying

You aren’t really making an argument either.

You are just stating your opinion and then declaring them fact.

If they were fact nobody would be disagreeing with you.

You aren’t the sensei of wow

People have their reasons for not wanting xmog

Not only that but I have no idea wtf you would even want to xmog to in classic. All the better gear is always ahead of each other.

Do you want to xmog your tier 3 to tier 1?

I like how people forget Transmog could be given a ‘toggle’ option in Settings.

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but it does.

a good part of the charm of the “old game” was the fact that we arent gods amongst men with immaculately tailored clothes and horrific weapons we dislodged from a gods throat that has cenarius’ piss on it as a weapon oil that makes it gleam like a ray of narru.

we are murder hobos that scrounge gear and cobble together bits and bobs and somehow overcome the opposition.

we should look the part too.

I disagree it has no place. But i somewhat understand the pvp argument. I personally think there are a large group of the player base that want to be able to immerse themselves in the game with further customization option. Especially those who like to rp, some might want to rp in a world of warcraft in a different era before all the weird shadow lands buisness and tmog would enable them to do that.

Hahahaha for real!

didn’t blizzard try to do that before with classic/retail graphics and it was a buggy mess? it’ll probably be the same with this :expressionless:

then rp as something that is what the world currently gives you within the rules of that world.

btw we all know how transmog works. where are these people getting the appearance unlocks for this transmog anyways without first earning the gear?

put it on a cash shop maybe?


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there’s nothing “immersive” about being able to magically show whatever gear you want at all times.
what’s immersive is dealing with your gear not looking the best because it’s all you could find :expressionless:

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Uuuuuh thats not how rp in wow works.

They’ve never had an option to ignore the Transmog variable in, what I assume, is an Array sent from the server to each client.

The only time they had ‘graphic model options’ was with the old vs new character models. But with the new spell animations, they scrapped the option. Since all the new animations were done with the new models as the reference.

I just find myself a good tailor and have them make my clothing to my exact specifications.

Additionally, you’re looking for ‘immersion’ in a game that refuses to allow ‘custom crafting’…and a game that requires you to be a blacksmith to understand how a freaking key works.

Okay you can look that part by transmoging your gear to look that way lol. Like im not the one trying to forbid people from doing anything here.

People just are telling you they dont want it?

Whats the problem?

Not really, they are telling me they want “no one to have it” this is a feature that is OPTIONAL. If transmog in sod came out nobody would force you to do it.

How is it optional?

It has never been optional.

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Yes, literally i may think tier 3 looks lame and i want to wear tier 1. Or maybe i want to wear some old crumy looking robes to give my character a more humble aesthetic. Its about creativity and choice becauseits an OPTIONAL FEATURE. Also people disagree with facts all the time despite every rational persons best efforts.

You still never said how it is optional.

because it never was

id rather them use valuable dev time on something useful. Like gameplay

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Dude yes it is. You can either choose to transmog or not. That is the definition of being optional like what the heck???.