Oh here we go, the typical classic Andy “my immersion” argument. Alliance have lore supported shamans. Maybe grow up?
So you wouldn’t mind either being added to SoD?
I would be a more upset about removing the 1h mail since it is 100% unnecessary, whereas the druid polearm is kinda meh - nobody really uses polearms so it would be kinda neutral overall.
It isn’t about lore, it is just nice that each side has such a unique feel to it, when you make everything more and more similar it is just becomes less interesting in my view.
I also hate that ret are viable in SoD - I think paladins should only pve as healers. But I am playing pve as a ret since it is just a meme season.
But eventually lines have to be drawn and we are already so far in bad decision land they need to take back some control of this wild train.
But if it doesn’t bother you now and becomes a boon to not only everyone but yourself you’d be bothered by it?
anyone who says yuck or yum is a weirdo.
They do have a unique feel to them… alliance has humans, dwarfs, nelves, and gnomes where horde has orcs, Tauren, undead, and trolls… along with vastly different cities and npcs… if seeing a dwarf shaman bothers you that much, get therapy or stay in the era safe space…
It would be a pointless QoL that reduces the need for players to plan ahead. So I stand against it.
Seeing dwarfs in general bothers me, but I think I’ll be okay.
I would much rather the alliance trades humans for tauren and we can have a peaceful faction while the humans and orcs can align to feed their needs for war.
But alliance shamans would need blizz to buff all the pve stuff (which they never do), and make pvp was less unique.
Yeah I wouldn’t mind transmog tbh.
yea just go to retail bro, you can have all your transmog you want
im just glad there will never be transmog in sod because they wont change classic’s code but only add on top of it with runes
Mixed feelings about the idea of transmog in a classic server.
On one hand, I like transmog in WoW. It’s great for character customization and incentivizes you to explore/collect in all areas of the game.
On the other hand, I like being able to tell what gear other people have equipped just by its visuals without the need to inspect them, especially at max level.
If I had to choose between transmog being in SoD or not; I’d have to say no. At the end of the day, I don’t think it really belongs in a classic version of the game.
Did you need your inhaler typing that post?
What does it have to do with retail?
I haven’t played wow since cataclysm.
Why are you afraid of transmog? If you want classic just go play classic… This is SoD, aka classic+
I also wouldn’t mind new races. Shaman and pala on both factions.
SoD is a season of classic not classic+
A ridiculous season that is basically throwing the baby out with the bathwater to attract retail and wotlk players (for some reason), but it is a season nonetheless.
It quite literally is classic+
What the fk do you want exactly? CLASSIC ERA IS STILL THERE. You obviously do not want anything to change, you have a realm for that. Stop telling people their ideas are bad when they have no effect on you.
Era will never be changed, your 20 year old unchanged safe space is right there. A lot of People want an updated classic.
adding transmog to this seasonal version of classic is a waste of developer time and achieves nothing because yak idling is really not what they were going for with this
He’s just a classic Andy.
Rest of us played original vanilla and classic release in 2019 and had our fill.
That’s why SoD aka classic+ is great. Because it has all the greatness of classic with the potential of brand new stuff. It’s great.
The normal classic servers are still there. But guys like him are just weirdly obsessed with this “change nothing” mentality. It’s very cringe.
The SoM, HC, 1.14, and SoD all had impacts on Era They are struggling to keep the versions separate since it is all on the same client. Each version introduced bugs and changes to Era.
But I want the best for SoD so I fight against ideas that I think will harm the game. And basically any QoL that reduces player decisions falls into that category.
Transmog is even worse because it greatly reduces player information thus harming pvp. People can already ‘transmog’ just keep the gear in bags and make a gear swap macro.
Greatly harms the pvp?
No. The only information you get from looking at gear is being able to tell if you can gank a badly geared player. Or if they’re geared enough to fight back.
It’s so easy to gear up and the selection of items are so limited. Literally everyone looks the same.
Just assume everyone is bis geared.
The only real gear that matters is the WSG helmet. And guess what, you can choose to hide it! Completely shutting off that crucial information element you cherish.