Kind of screwed up the new Night Elf city is neutral

I really think its defeats the entire point of it being the Night Elf “capital city” if its neutral, it also would be the final nail in the coffin that is the effff you to the Nightelves of letting the horde in their capital city after they burned down the first one.

There shouldn’t even be a horde or alliance anymore. They should just put us all together.

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Since it’s not a real functional in game city like Stormwind or Org and just something to shut up the Nelf players as an expansion throwaway… I don’t think it really much matters, tbh. But that’s just me.

Forsaken aren’t getting UC back, though. It’s just storyline. Not much different than this story or the incoming Gilneas one.

I actually like the idea that Hordes are allowed in under watchful eyes.

But I hear that some NPCs are hostile to Hordes and would attack in some area?

And this is why nobody voted for you as President. Your policies are lame.

Thank you for literally putting your life on the line to build our home but… red sux lol!

They probably aren’t getting the Undercity itself back, but they’ll build a new city.

Nah, they specifically cleaned out the UC of plague, but it’s not a real in game city.

The Forsaken should cry for reparations and make Bobby Kotik pay for it!


I’m expecting all the new cities to be neutral as they seem to be slowly removing factions.

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When in doubt just throw in a hot elf. Works every time lol.

I agree that the Horde should not be allowed in. The Horde defending the tree from Fyrac doesn’t give them entry. The Horde were redeeming themselves from the dishonor of killing thousands of innocent non-coms. Literal genocide. It was fulfilling a debt. If you burn down your neighbor’s house (with the soul purpose being to kill the children and elderly trapped inside btw) and half their family dies in the fire and then… you help them rebuild you shouldn’t be allowed to come in and hang out in the living room whenever you want just because you helped rebuild it after you purposefully torched it. 1. You are clearly dangerous. and 2. You killed their family, friends, home, temple… etc No one would tolerate you in their home after that. It doesn’t make any sense at all. Any Horde player that doesn’t understand this is a psychopath.
But fine whatever we are all going to hold hands together under the tree and and sing Kumbaya. If the new city is neutral this is the dumbest most spineless storytelling I have seen yet.

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I thought he flew off?

And the Dragon Flights depend on the new World Tree.

You’re right, we shouldn’t be allowed in. I’d happily burn it down again if given half the chance. grumpy face

Exactly my point lol

I always RP evil characters tho, I wish they’d give me more agency in that regard :smiling_face_with_tear:

To me it kinda makes sense for neutral cities to be a thing where there’s touristy spots and then the civilian centers. It’s kinda like the same in Boralus where the city is huge but we’re mainly concentrated in the trade port.

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We did help you take it back from not one but two separate genocidal dictators.

The fact that we just let you keep it and also keep deciding your own leaders is a miracle.