Kind of screwed up the new Night Elf city is neutral

I don’t think that the Horde players technically helping to defend the new World Tree from Fyrakk should really give them a free pass into what should be an Alliance capital city.

Though, as long as the new Forsaken capital is also neutral, I’ll call it a square deal then.


I believe it’s neutral because it’s located in Emerald Dream EDIT: I mean the land, not inside the Dream…

Who knows, maybe they’ll change it to Alliance controlled in the near future.


I doubt it. They might be testing the waters to make them all neutral, to signal the complete end of the faction conflict.


You’re right. Let’s cut the defense in half and see how well that Tree lasts on it’s own.

Lemme get my lawn chair and shades and see how well a weakened alliance does against the likes of Fyraak, with no help from the horde.


So, we get to crash in your pad when the renovations are done, right?

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Fyrakk’s dead.

Oops, spoilers.


It could be Alliance in the lore and neutral in the game like Suramar.


I don’t recall the Alliance standing outside the gates of Orgrimmar and defending it?

The new forsaken city should 100% be neutral.

First calia is basically the new leader and has strong ties to the alliance. Second if they reclaim the capital city it will only be because the alliance let them as the alliance now control that whole area.

Especially with gilneas being retaken.


I’m talking about the new Lordaeron.

Alliance can already go into Skyhorn and Suramar.

She is more Alliance than Horde. Hate how she was forced into the story and a leadership role.

I really hope this is the case and it is a testing the waters type of scenario.


I haven’t tested it as Alliance, but can they go in where new Nightborne characters are made? I can’t remember if it’s instanced or not.

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Imo calia being leader of the forsaken is THE best decision blizz has made in the story in YEARS!

It was arthas that created and broke the forsaken, it will be his sister calia who reforges and unites them.

Thats poetic.


Those two cities, one which is barely a city and one which is hostile territory, were neutral questing zones long before the concept of allied races was even smoked up. They weren’t built with Highmountain Tauren and Nightborne being Horde only in mind.

Horde literally genocided the last Night Elf capital.


Well in that case:

It pretty much already is

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I kinda dont care.

I hope that SMC gets the other half restored and then that can become a neutral city as well and as a flying zone too.


I mean, it doesn’t exactly exist yet. And Forsaken are only allowed to keep existing by the beneficence of the Alliance at this point. You lost your Mary Sue Queen and your Self Insert Right Hand man. Lilian Voss is basically your strongest racial character.

Horde won’t burn it down if it’s a horde city too.


Where the Nightborne is made, no. Not sure anyone really can? Never tried even on Horde.

I dont know why its good to have a Horde leader indebted to the Alliance who will work more for the Alliance than the Horde.

Its like putting a goblin in charge of the gnomes. Or a troll in charge of the spacegoats.

It shouldnt happen, and is just fan service because of her name. Storywise? Absolutely horrible. We already have an Alliance member leading a Horde racial group. Baine. We dont need 2.

When can we have a couple of Alliance leaders that care more about the Horde than their race?