Kind of screwed up the new Night Elf city is neutral

Didn’t stop you during SoO. Or Siege of the Undercity or when Sylvanas plague bombed the Undercity.

I agree but there should be toxic plague sludge everywhere that deals damage to anything but Forsaken.


Then can we have Night Elf archers who constantly shoot all Horde players who enter?

Yes, can we at least keep the gnomes out?

Both those have been reclaimed, because they’re Horde cities. Horde will show you how to reclaim Worgen city, too. :wink:

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If you follow the lore, the Night Elves were never meant to have their tree that they planted anyways. They did it for their own selfish reasons to elevate themselves over everyone else and did not lend any aid to the other races when they made that tree, they made it and tried to be as secluded as possible from the other races and tried to make it bigger and better than the first one.

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Who else is going to hook up your 70 inch, plasma screen TV. With Netflix.

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Just because shes got ties to the alliance doesn’t mean she would work for them.

Her people are the forsaken and they come first.

Sylvanas was an alliance leader before she was horde, so your point is kinda meh.


So, you’re saying the children deserved to die then.

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How are they going to hook up a TV twice as tall as they are. Bury it half way in the ground?

Jet packs.

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The very forces of nature itself began to attack the tree and tried to destroy it from the very beginning. It would have been destroyed eventually.

There’s a cute couple [gnome and goblin] in a relationship. Does it screams wrong to you?

I recalled Forsaken have a tragic history where no one likes them. They want to be respected and seen. In addition, since BFA, I don’t think it’s just Lordaeron[ian?] she resurrected different races such as Kul Tirans, Night Elves, and Blood Elves.

I don’t know much about Calia, really. I just see her as a person who respect and cares about Undead. If you think there’s something wrong with that sentence, then I don’t know what to say.


So, yes, you believed that the Night Elf children deserved to be burned alive, their bodies feasted upon by hungry Forsaken.

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Dark Iron Dwarves used to be the enemy of the Alliance as well. :slight_smile:

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So a broken TV, a hole in my roof and some story about how it was the big red buttons fault.

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Forsaken really need to play nicey nice with the living races right now. They’ve built up waaaaay too much bad will since Wrath.


It’s a real shame the stuff from Before the Storm wasn’t shown in-game. It really added a layer to everything that I feel is missed.


You can say that about some stuff from soooo many of the novels. They need to stop putting lore critical stuff in just the books.


I think they’re getting better about that. They should keep making the novels, but it should also be reiterated in-game.

It’s much more difficult to parse through quest-text between activities like travel, combat, and farming the requirements for the quests. I prefer to sit and read, or at the very least, audiobook if I can’t find the time.

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