Kilts in WOW

what would you think if they made kilts as leather or chain mail for armor


I am down.


Fantastic! I would love it.

While I’m female, I do have a few male alts as they just sort of seem appropriate to that class and spec. Would love to see one of them in a kilt!


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As a man of Scot heritage I heartily approve.

Give me a skirt, do it now!


I like the idea.
SoD pants for mail (all colorations) were a step in the right direction.

they can also add bagpipes as a weapon

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Well, first you need to get them to realize a kilt isn’t a full length dress.


Oh dear.
That’s just a dress, Blizzard.

Considering there are no medium length skirts in the game, I’d be amazed if kilts ever happened.

Characters with long dresses have no legs under them, pants are basically coloured legs, there’s no in between unfortunately.

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I’d prefer mini skirts, also for the men too.

Can I stand in front of a grate as it blows air up?

sure you can do that in lions pride in goldshire

Done and done

this would be great for when they add the Bard class

many skirts were worn in vanilla…

Scottish Highlanders have a noble history as warriors, so I see no problem with kilts.


what was that a picture of

Just an image snagged off the www, I think its a jewelry pin. Orc in a kilt. :sunglasses:

The problem with kilts is the same problem as middle-length skirts.


When you change your leggings in WoW, you aren’t changing lust the ‘fabric’ of the leggings, your entire lower portion of the visible model is replaced. There’s a reason that robe wearers haven’t any legs under their robes, just feet.

A skirt or kilt model would require the making of art assets for every race, in both physical genders, with both legs and a skirt that (probably) doesn’t lead into a void. It would be complicated, more so than the usual replacement of legs with other legs and/or a tube.

Probably cost us a raid tier too. I remember when everything cost a raid tier…

they would be plaid tho