Kilts in WOW

Sure, anything to make more dresses have separate tops and bottoms

Hate how half the paladin tiers are chest pieces that cover both chest and legs instead of being regular chest with a separate skirt leg piece

This new tier is amazing in that regards, i wouldn’t have been able to wear it if the top came attached with a skirt

As a side note, the hunter mail pants model from last tier are pretty awesome

chain mail kilts would be cool

But…we already have items in the game files that are short, lots of them. If you can equip something like:

then you could equally equip a kilt, where they just fill in the central area to turn it into a skirt/kilt. When my character wears pants like these rather than a robe, I wear a short tunic on top, revealing the legs which can then show leggings, or very short pants. The exact same effect can be generated for a kilt.

And we dont see anything under a robe because there is no need to. Its still there but when viewed from the front or side, all you need to see is the robe.

Street-length skirts.

There are actually a lot of leather and mail kilts, but of course we could always use more.

Those are called loincloths :wink: .

you need plaid though

I can see leather, but not mail. I do think it would be nice though.

This here, both the mail SoD sets, and the Kul Tiran heritage armour’s jaket already have the basic shape and model, all they have to do is close off the front to make it an actual skirt.

this would be a nice option