I rolled a few on Atiesh with a lot of the still-Kilrogg players I know.
HH!! Whats up man. Barco - Dwarf Warrior from SoO, LF, and The Awakening.
Klyne - Ahrotahntee on Kilrogg
Anyone from Ahro playing?
Diamondpoo. Ahrotahntee. Night elf. Druid.
Farnalations I’ll at you at launch
Calling all ‘Defias’ guild homies!! Only names I remember were the Main tanks, Agonyengine the night elf warrior and Miyagi the gnome warrior. Also I remember our top dps a Warlock named Tolarn. I’d love to hear from anyone else that was in the guild!! I was one of the Crown of Destruction wearing hunters that rolled on all the melee weapons. Been playing since Vanilla. I’ll be rolling a Dwarf Priest named Angelface - Herod Server. If anyone else was in the guild add me up.
Turbo! I hope we can haunt Warsong Gulch again. -Lightfoot
BARCO! What’s up man!
Oh Man! I’ve searched for your old toons from time to time. Nice to hear from you. Created an Ally character on Pagle. Hope to see many from years ago.
I used to be in The Phoenix. I used to be Demígoddess back then. Most of my toons had Demi at the beginning of them.
Just wondering if there are any former Roast Ragnaros guild members running about. With the new classic servers I’m trying to remember who all I leveled up with. I remember there was a group of us that felt like a “brat pack” leveling our characters up.
Seriously the dude that got me into MC the first time! Glad youre coming back. What server is it looking like? I read something about Pagle so went ahead and made a character there
Let me see, I was in IMB for Mc, the opening of Bwl and Aq (god I hated that place). I remember Fallen and crew, Naakt, Maw, Luwingo, so many others. Oh yeah and helped form Tempest when IMB fell apart. Good times.
We are going to be on Pagle. I posted a discord server you are more than welcome to join. Its just a bunch of us from Vanilla Kilrogg
Saraphan - Night Elf Hunter
Domus Fulminata
Helped Whitehawks Reborn raid MC and BWL
Hey kilrogg, it has been a long time. Have already seen some familiar faces, hellhound, diannah. Remember a few more names of people I remember playing with… wrac, aeris, djverikai, Lundy, nawor, dracheo.
Xtina what server you rolling on?
Played a Gnome Mage called ElectronV. Played in Defias and was a raider till the start of Naxx. Had a full set of tier 1 and 2 I believe and had around -3000 dkp because of it haha. I use to spam the /who 60’s characters to get a group started for any dungeon. I thought that was the fastest way to find a tank or healer at the time. PVP was fun at that time using engineer trinkets to bounce back flameblast to enemy mages. I think this toon is in an Oceanic server now.
If anyone from Defias has old raid photos I would love to see them. thewaybackmachine does not go that far in the past sadly.
I used to play on a human paladin named Rooney and every character thereafter some variation of the name. The guild I ran with is Knights or Freedom and on one of my alts was Onara. Hoping to be able to see some of my guildies from KoF on classic and be able to play with them again.
Do you still have Antillius on Kilrogg?
Any Circle of Legends folks? I was Lycian back in the day. Looking for CoL peeps.