Kilrogg Alliance Reconnections

I am so glad Blizz did this! Shout out to all my Knights Draconis, Avante, and Kingdom friends way back when! I can’t believe it’s been this long! I played a hunter named Paranoun and a priest named Oldfarht! Soldi and Ves, good to see you are all alive. I can’t believe how much time I sat in IF just waiting for 5 mans! I won’t be playing classic again though. Ha ha!

I was in Circle of Legends for a good part of TBC and WotLK

Edit: Anselm. Same name as this post but for some reason it logged me in from an alt.

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Hey guys, i made my toon names on Atiesh. not sure where everyone else will land but that is where i’ll be.

i created a discord for us if anyone wants to jump in. i posted a link for it in tempest guild chat. if you dont have access to that just shot me a msg and i’ll get it to you.

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heck yeah man. till him i said hi. i got a discord going for us. i will try and check the forums every few days. mostly i will be around on weekends so give me some time to reply :smiley:

I can’t figure out how to contact you directly on here or in game. Add me to friends, battle tag Zanc#1432

Gigi, human, warrior
Guild: Silvermoon Crusaders

My guild mates: Marsha, Hellbat, Lexia, Bal, Olaf, Zimhal and lots more.

hello Lexia, so good to see you again. /salute
I miss Marsha.

I will be on oceanic server Arugal. Which classic server are you going to join?

you guys can add me if you want to get the discord link Fallendemon#1845

I created a toon on Atiesh, Mankrik, and Myzrael. Atiesh works for me!
@Fallen - You’re already on my battletag list.


Add me on bnet Zanc#1432 I’ll send you the discord invite for the Tempest channel

Grr I hit the wrong button and I deleted my post. I left CoL a little ways into BC. Would love to find more CoL folks from back in the day. We have a group of some irl friends who were all in CoL are going to Pagle.

I think I was in a guild called Tempest. This was my character-- I’m a druid healer named Safire. Can’t remember my guildmates but we were all younger to middle aged adults, and was a really fun group to connect with.

You’re welcome to join the Tempest Vets on Atiesh. Add me on bnet messenger Zanc#1432. We have a discord server going now. Message me for an invite

Teuton here, human priest.

Guilds included Echoes in Eternity, Shadows of Onarasa, Thursday Night Raiders, and Onara.

Alts include Dayala, a druid healer in Wolves in Cataclysm.

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Seems Remnants wasnt as well known as I thought :frowning: We were an Australian based guild though, so that’d make sense.

Kenerek, This is Roterlann - dwarf hunter. played in Ironfist, VRO, Avente, Logrus, Outcasts, Defias, etc (also played as Imabandage - Dwarf Priest with Illuminati for a while in Naxx).

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This is Roterlann - dwarf hunter. played in Ironfist, VRO, Avente, Logrus, Outcasts, Defias, etc (also played as Imabandage - Dwarf Priest with Illuminati for a while in Naxx).

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some of the others I remember from Defias were Miyagi (of course) gnome warrior, Spinx the night elf druid, Raeagald human warrior, Keredriel ne druid, Solonar human mage, and also a priest named Damagictouch. And yeah, Tolarn was very good


Hi Barco!!!