Hello everyone. Have fun tomorrow!
Hunter - Noop - Adrenaline/Resurgence/Champions of Elune
Looking for some of those old heads that raided later at night
I had a human paladin Xandine and NE warrior named blaroon on Kilrogg looking for old pals
I was in the guild Domus Fulminata I believe and a few more before that.
Crazy to see all these old names on here!
Tabooman NE Hunter here, started with VRO, Iillumiinati, Gladius Dei, Still Life & QQ
(Also Arrg the ugliest gnome female rogue)
Come join us! Hellhound has a discord set up. Stop by and say hi!
Mun - NE Rogue
Adrenaline in vanilla, Still Life TBC and beyond
Looking to see if any old homies are doing this thing.
Deaken, human paladin from day 1 until mid WoTLK.
Started in ASBESTOS, then Defias before starting Gladius Dei and retiring for the last 10 years. I’ve rolled a toon on Mankirk to PvP with Ichiiro, but will also roll a PvE toon on Ateish.
Sup Brutha!
Tarq here! Any Original Domus or Cohorts?
Long time no see Agony! Incredible how much things can change in 10 years!
Hey Buddy! How ya doin
Omg Agony how are ya
Agony is chrysta beerguy jules all still playing too ?
Cool Agony add Robert#11576
Kilrogg since day one which was Nov 2004.
Priest (Xaraya),
Mage (Laraya),
DK (Deraya)
Not coming back for wow classic but i thought reading this thread did gave me some sort of nostalgia! All the best!
This is Daykor 60 holy paladin was in the rat pack ahro then defias sure miss the old gang
Well getting it all setup, I was in Defias and Gladius Dei for a minute
Dwarf Priest Not sure where I’m playing but would love to raid with some old homies.
Add me Squrl#1673
Egelina, the boomkin druid checking in… Ran with Wiseguy before they merged with Gaias Fury. I remember tagging along in the Onyxia raids. Did a lot of PvP, loved the grindfest that was Alterac Valley.
I don’t see anyone here that I recognize (quick glance anyway)
Here is a video I recorded over 12 years ago: https://youtu.be/A_W_k5k7g0Y
Haven’t seen Chrysta since she played with Conquest what 10 yrs ago? Nor Beerguy. Jules lived here in Norcal , we’d go check out a movie now and then. Then he just disappeared . No contact in over 5 yrs. I made a alliance mage on Atiesh? Name Badfinger.