Holy crap, Hellhound! Not sure you remember me…or where we even met it’s been so long. This was actually my original toon but I’ve since transferred servers etc. Been a while!
/wave at Del
Teuton!!! Heya. My god, Echoes in Eternity…haven’t thought of that one in a while. Hope you are doing well!
Hello everyone!
I played a NE hunter named Irevanl in Circle of legends and Vengeance. Where are all the old school pvpers!
I remember a ton of you all. I’ll be playing on Pagle.
I was in La Familia. I was a Holy Paladin. looking for others as well to maybe play with again. I was TheMadMan
Hey Lex, it’s been a LONG time. If you’re interested Olaf and I made a facebook group for old SC alum. It’s not super active but there are about 35 of us in the group, and most of us playing classic are rolling on Pagle. Let me know if you’d like to jump in!
cool to see my free honor kills names again
I certainly do. It has been an extremely long time! A few of us were in a guild before Shadows of Onarasa, I can’t recall the name of it but we decided to make shadows after the leader disbanded the guild.
We are playing on Pagle. Hellhound posted a discord we are using. Come join us.
love you too!
I saved my name on that server see you guys there soon
HH - I’ll be getting on discord either tonight or tomorrow morning.
Andrewdice! - How’s it been man. Cant wait to play together again.
THEmadman - More like SIRmadman. So glad to see you coming back. One of the first people I had the pleassure of playing with. All the way back to that first guild named Sith Lords. One of my favorite people from back then.
Everyone else - Hey everyone. I see so many names from the old days. Some I remember vividly and some I unfortunately do not.
Can’t wait. Going to be a blast Barco
SamuelJackso/Sammyboy on Kilrogg. Raided in Tempest & Domus. Also played Senorstone on Horde on whatever guild crunkjuice was in at the time.
Maw, the paladin? Tell him Samueljackso/Sammyboy says Hi!
Hey all, I see lot’s of familiar names here. I was in IF, Ahro, and Defias with a lot of you! , Last Call for a lil bit (Mage-Mulder) b4 quitting. Was a crappy tank I think so you may or may not remember me hahaha. Have a 120 mage I stopped playing in the latest expansion. Did some casual playing / raiding with a few friends in Legion. Had quit for 3-4 yrs though. Really haven’t played Agony since I left After BC. Just level him up now and then Really great reading some names on here…brings back a lot of memories!
Echoes in Eternity!
Echoes in Eternity, Shadows, Wraith , Aquatine raiders and Mystic wanderers. LaFamilia for the other half of Shadows of Onarassa.
Holy cow I can’t believe I remembered that.
OMG ANDREWDICE! What the hell, my man!
Hi Rez!
I wish I would have known about this thread earlier!
Calatria here, GM of Onara currently and for the last many years!
Started in Echoes in Eternity, then we created Shadows of Onarasa. Went to Mystic Wanderers for a bit as AGM, brief stints in Aquatine raiders and Wraith. Spent (did) time in Angelic Reign before creating Onara with a bunch of the crew from LaFamilia and some of the previously named and others. Raided with The Rhikana and were allied with two sister guilds. (I’m trying to remember)…
Someone asked about the Myagi thing. Both of you are right. There was a warrior and then a mage with a different spelling. The mage is currently in Onara!
So many memories flooding back from Day 1 and beyond on Kilrogg!! @Hellhound informed me that a bunch are going to Pagle, and a bunch of us from Kilrogg rolled on Atiesh.
Either way, hope to see you all there!!!