Killed SIX Awakened Raid loot

I am not a raider, but I have started to raid more often. I just completed all six Awakened Raid Bosses and not one of them provided me with any gear other than those silly vault coins. Is this normal?

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Sometimes RNG laughs with you, sometimes RNG laughs at you.


Yes this is normal.


It’s just bad luck. I hope you get a BiS item on vault though!


When it comes to loot, nothing is truly normal.

LOL! That says it all.

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Got my bullion first raid boss, a nice new pair of pants too but lost every roll afterwards so…yeah the RNG is truly something at times. I do wish you luck though.

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Thanks for the replies. Have a great weekend everyone.


Clearly RNG wants you to suffer well.

The bullion isn’t guaranteed off the first boss?

I’ve had really bad luck this week too. I ran a LFR and not a single piece of cloth armor dropped, it was wild. Some weeks it’s really good, some not so much but usually it balances out pretty well after a few weeks. That’s been my experience last Season.

You think you got it bad, I rolled a 97 on a piece of gear this week on fated raid and lost out to a d00d that rolled 100.

Just think of that when you think you are having a bad day…

sadly it seems not, we’ve had people pop up saying they’ve cleared the awakened raid and never got their bullion. I’m counting myself lucky I got mine but to get all the items I’m after for this character at least I’ll need to save up 6+ and hope things work out in my favor.

Let’s say there’s a 1 in 3 chance that loot for your class/spec even drops… if it does, let’s say there are at least 7 people rolling on it (including you). 1/3 x 1/7 = 4.8% chance that loot drops and you win the roll… When you’ve killed 61 bosses come back and complain that you are in that unlucky 5% that still didn’t get loot after that many kills.
5% chance that you still got nothing = BINOMDIST(0 success, 61 tries, 4.8% chance/try, cumulative=TRUE)

Sometimes RNG without any bad-luck protection is really, really bad.

Raiding awards a pittance of loot for the number of people involved.

Dungeons give twice as many drops, per person, and can be done over and over again as often as you want.

M+ Dungeons: 2 drops per 5 people, at the end, but infinitely repeatable
Raids: 1 drop per 5 people, per boss, but only once per week


As long as I get the bullion I’m happy, after two weeks I can have the two rare rings I want. Anything else is bonus

Rings? You don’t want to use bullion to buy something with a transmog?

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There are 8 awakened bosses this week…

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Go run M+, get to +6 for aspect crests, craft your own gear, and never look back.

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Is it back to personal loot yet?