Killed SIX Awakened Raid loot

It is if everyone needs on everything all the time no matter what.

Yes. This is normal. Go again next week.

The fun part about the Awakened Season is that you will be able to buy an item with the bullions you got. So at least 1 BIS every 2 weeks. :slight_smile: Not too bad. That and your vault, of course.

Where is the other ring going to come from in those 2 weeks? Or did you already get it. Because everything on the vendor that isn’t strictly xmog-only costs 2 bullions each.

Don’t expect to win anything by rolling. Run for whatever you get in the vault and for bullion.

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That’s what my alts are for to get the mount too

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Assuming the mythic dungeon quest keeps the reward to give 2 bullion I’ll be able to get that day one of the third week.

Otherwise I guess I’ll have to wait four weeks total. Still better than RNG

with the slime cat being maybe the only thing costing 3 bullion for those who didn’t get it last expac. Lot of nice transmog skins you can grab for bullion though, I might have some of my alts farm bullion for transmog and only buy gear for those I plan to use next expac

this is also why we have the great vault

Literally the only reason why I’m raiding this season. Else I wouldn’t have bothered at all.

that has been my experience in there - I roll 4s - hard to win

I ran 7 characters through the first wing and got one piece of gear on my hunter in total 1/21.

This is why guilds are good. You might still get shafted by RNG but at the very least the raid group will be stronger. There is no guarantee like that with pugs.

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RNG is annoying, but it isn’t the roadblock it was in the past; If you’re running with good people then you can usually get some folks to pass you a piece here or there and even if that doesn’t go your way (And to be fair, this is the first week when there is a signifigant increase in ilvls) The vault is still there as a bacon saver.

One of my locks got to look at a trinket but could not roll on it that count .

There are eight bosses in Vault.

Loot drops are 1 item per 5 players in the raid, so going 6 in a row certainly will happen.

Also if it makes OP feel any better I’ve run Whole raids and gotten Zilch, so Six bosses isn’t exactly unheard of.