Kill trading, cheating, honor system gaming

Ya, it makes a small difference for the dominant faction on a server, and a reasonable fix for the lower faction’s inability to get rank 14s due to blizzard’s incompetence with crossrealm bgs.

OP uses siphon life on raid bosses so take his opinion with a grain of salt. Its not a big issue.

Seems legit to me, people that have an account are allowed alts.

tattletale: a person, especially a child, who reveals secrets or informs on others

Did your parents or teachers not go over this with you when you were a kid, especially if it’s something completely irrelevant to you?

Oh, wow. Look at all the entitled, nasty brats coming to insult the OP because s/he called out cheaters.

If nothing else, OP, at least this thread gives you a handy list of people with no integrity.


OP wouldn’t be rank 8 if these people were not doing this. OP would be like rank 4 or 5. OP benefits just as much as everyone else. Should OP be banned?

Imagine being this big of a snowflake.

God damn you buried him.

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100% not cheating. The honor system has been known for more then a decade and this is completely allowed within the rules.

All you need to do to be counted in the pool is to get 15 hks.


If I was this mad about the issue, I would blow up Razor Hill every time I passed it. Blizz obviously considers this lower-rung issue, if at all - take the reins and handle it!

That’s not how snowflakes work.
The people that are logging on level ones are snowflakes when it comes to their pvp progression and he’s calling it out.

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He’s a snowflake because he’s crying about cheating when no cheating is taking place.

I knew you were going to say this, but in reality, the people logging on level ones are crying about their pvp rank. Why else are they logging on level ones? Noticing that it’s snowing, is not being a snowflake.

You’re absolutely right. Noticing that it’s snowing, does not make one a snowflake.

However, noticing that it’s snowing, and demanding the snow stop for no other reason than the snow does not match one’s idea of what the weather should be like, does make one a cringey whiner, and an idiot to boot.

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Maybe not to you. Is to me. And crying about snow where there is none? Snowflake. Bet op is sooooo much fun at parties.

Seems broken since you need to be lvl 10 to be in the honor pool… that’s how it was before.

Yet they dont in any way. They only help the cheaters and their toxic followers.

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You can argue and think of it however you like. One player is facilitating another from the opposing faction by allowing HKs on them.

Whatever opinion may be held, it is win trading. Nor does win trading refer specifically to BGs. If a streamer had people meet her in a zone and killed them repeatedly, would you not consider it win trading? It’s the same thing at a lower level. Obviously the intention isn’t to rank the low level, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t win trading. That simple.


This doesn’t even make sense, we were never even close to debuff limit in these raids LOL

Actually you could always be in the pool at level 1. What you needed level 10 for, is to be worth an Honorable kill.

So the level 1s could always get honor, you just needed to be killing a level 10 for it—which is exactly what’s happening now.

With the way blizz has been putting stuff out lately I can see how this completely avoidable problem could have slipped through the 15 year old cracks. I guess this explains why 3 times the honor this week got me the same rank points as last week.