Kill trading, cheating, honor system gaming

Actually the opposite, the OP is pretty bad at this game, just check his logs.

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PVP happened and you are crying?

Soā€¦ This is really only a problem on PvE servers, right? I donā€™t think most people would pay the extra money to do this on a PvP server.

Also - low level toons wonā€™t have much AoE. Seems like itā€™ll still take ages!

I hope no one looks at my logsā€¦iā€™m busy buffing and making water most of the time in MCā€¦single mage life.

Donā€™t forget that 2 Minute Rez Timer.

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Alliance dont need it bc botting on alliance with the current meta would prevent you from joining a rushdreklel premade

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I have to use steroids because everyone else is!

Also, m-m-muh no buff, no consumable parses! reeee!

doing avg numbers without them when the standard is full consume/buff is expected.

piss-poor arguments up and down this.

Who is the victim of this heinous crime?

Who is negatively impacted by this? Are you one of the horde botters who feels your ā€˜high rankā€™ gained through botting is now devalued as legit players are able to rank up regardless of bots cloggings the system?


My Magic 8 ball saysā€¦Yes

good argument, yes i must be botting @ r8

lmfao, cheaters enraged at their cheating called out.

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I mean, yes, it would appear that this is win-trading of a sort. However, as someone said above, of all the problems currently plaguing Classic, this one looks to be very low on the list and maybe not worthy of a complete spaz fit.

Itā€™s easier to just run them through WSG once a week, plus, itā€™s kosher.


there are plenty of discussion topics about all sorts of other cheating, there was nothing about this. saying some cheating is fine because theres other cheating is a stupid argument. i have done reports, screen shots etc on the cheaters and made a forum post so others who care about cheating can be made aware and help report the cheaters. i dont care if it makes things easier for some, or all, i dont. its CHEATING. its ANOTHER form of cheating, in the now long list of cheating that is happening in this game, and deserves to be treated as the cheating that it is just like any other cheating. the only people who really stand to gain from this ARE the botters and account sharers themselves, this doesnt make it any easier on the normal people who farm in the 200-400k ranges. it ONLY helps by maybe, if they just cheat hard enough, inflating the br12-br14 ranges up a bit. adding a few slots to the top brackets. the handful of slots the rest of the normal folks are competing against each other for arent gonna shift significantly, but it will save ā€œrankersā€ at the top weeks of grinding (botting/sharing).

but please continue the bad arguments.

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Just exactly how many of these ā€œLow Levelā€ Characters, are there that these ā€œCheatersā€ are self-ganking? 'Cause weā€™ve already established thereā€™s a 2 Minute Rez Timer, from dying too much. Thatā€™s 2 Minutes, per Altā€¦

so 30 min to get thru the 15 hks, max. so, using alt accounts, while waiting in queue with your main. thereā€™s no hit to ā€œefficiencyā€ here, dude. what donā€™t you get about having multiple clients open, as any multiboxer or someone on an alt would do, and doing this while waiting on queues?

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Spirit rez allows you to bypass this as far as I know.

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This makes sense.

Go yell at some kids to get off your lawn or something. All the crappy things going on and you chose this irrelevant BS to make a post about. Sad.


Thereā€™s no reason to get nasty, dude. Iā€™m just asking Questions. I donā€™t exactly PvP, either, but IK about dying in the Open World, hence the 2 Minute Rez Timer counter point, I brought up, to which Mayatau debunked. 'Cause you gave us the location of this Self Ganking Fest which is Razor Hill GY, so theyā€™re simply Spirit Rezzing, over and over, again. But you gotta relax. Chill out.

Turn off the Computer and go for a walk. Itā€™s only just a Game.

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Good argument, yes I must be a cheater.

Lmfao, botters enraged their cheated rewards arenā€™t as exclusive as they thought.