Ok, believe it or not I get where you are coming from. I just don’t believe people fully understand the repercussions or negative impact their requests will have for everyone involved. (Look at the current state of AV, and if you think that is fine then there is really nothing more to discuss)
I am not, I focued on Q times only and I 100% am of the opinion you are severely underestimating the impact this will have on Horde Q times.
And this is where everything you are trying to say falls apart. Why are you focused on Honor Per Hour as a pug? Do you think you should be able to pug your way to rank 14? You don’t need to worry about honor per hour to get to rank 10. If anything I would think the average pug player would be more interested in Rep and getting as many tokens as they can.
No we don’t
This is rich coming from a horde retail toon. BG’s aren’t 1v1’s. Is that the basis of your idea of fair pvp everyone run to different corners and go 1v1 everyone?
Suppose. I see it used more as a means to try and shut someone up, or to imply they can’t handle classic. It doesn’t strike me as sincere statement. It just comes across as pack mentality rudeness.
Classic is not played the same way it was in Vanilla. There are many problems with it because players learned how to bend the rules.
The obvious problems are, material spawn quantities vs poplulation, spawn timers, ghost form material camping, premade manipulation farming, and excessive queue dodging. None of this is being dealt with. I highly doubt this is how it was meant to be played.
Players have learned a lot, and we’re not playing it the same. Many are working around the programming. The old mechanics in the game need some adjustments to compensate for the new play style, and to prevent the continued exploitation.
I’m not asking to redo the entire game. I’m suggesting we patch the loop holes, and punish the dishonesty.
I feel like someone should tell him, it’s just gonna break his heart to hit level 70 only to figure out pvp gear is all through these things called arenas- which are solely for premades and don’t allow solo players at all.
Well I mean Arena in general .I meant 2v2 etc. Point I’m making is Arena is premades yes, but will sort out the premaders now who rely on mob fighting which takes very little skill to do. Arena is where you need to know your class, and others in order to win.
The people now who are getting rank 14 in premades who think they’re good at pvp will quickly learn in TBC how bad at it they really are.
Well of course- until they change to one of the arena bis classes and dominate. Perhaps you’re forgetting how absurdly imbalanced arena was in TBC (arguably, in all versions of arena).
Much like now all duelling tourneys are won by warlocks, or if soul link is banned mages- you’re going to see a handful of specs and comps in arena constantly, and some classes/specs are going to find themselves unable to get accepted into any arena group.
You do understand that we see our fair share of horde premades? It’s not just alliance. There’s plenty of groups out there looking for decent players man. Our group has been running into some REALLY good herod, stallag, skeram, and fairelina premades. Some sweaty groups and some ranklets that still have amazing rotations and are skilled. It’s not just one sided. AB and WSG is a team BG man. It’s not made to PUG. I understand that’s not the battle you’re having-but that’s the truth. You split it up into premade vs premades and pug vs pug-your que time will double Bc the ally that DOES take pvp seriously, groups with like minded individuals Bc pugging is terrible for us.
you know if that were to happen and they separated the queues, the alliance in its entirety would switch to the pug only mode to take their chances cuz they aren’t looking to face horde premades, that has been well established, evidenced by majority of alliance premades rolling over against horde premades to protect their precious honor per hour, which btw is another excuse they use to hide their incompetence in pvp and lie to themselves and each other.
not saying there aren’t good alliance premades capable of rolling horde premades but they are definitely the minority in the premade game. Herod alliance premades are actually amazing
First off: Why shouldn’t you be able to pug to rank 14? There are plenty of streamers who’ve done it, it just takes a lot of grinding (which streamers have time for because it’s their job) and then you form a “premade” at rank 13 to decide who gets to be 14 each week. Most people can’t get rank 14 because of the time involved, not because of skill.
Second: I am not insinuating that I am so “hardcore” as to want rank 14. I simply want the rank 8 or 10 blue gear and then just casual pvp for the duration of the game. I was going well until about rank 5 doing 20-30k honor per week, preparing to make a push for ~60k to make rank 10 in 2.5 months and that’s when I suddenly hit this wall of every match being a premade. It’s not even just the day after reset anymore, it’s Friday and it’s still every match is a premade. Why should I not care about my honor per hour? I don’t have 12/hours a day every day to play this game, of course I want to make a decent amount of honor in the time I have to play it.
Third: You’re acting like premades giving me faster queues and ending the matches faster is doing me a favor. It’s not. I’m not trying to play a bloody phone game here for that 2 second rush of dopamine, I actually like group pvp. If I am in a premade I want to do premade vs premade because of the challenge factor. There aren’t enough people on my server who do premades, and I can’t transfer so I’m stuck here pugging.
Fourth: Have you ever done random queue on a day where you’ve gotten no or few premades? I have. The AB queue is only 30-40 minutes, the WSG queue is only 30-40 minutes. So it’s longer than 15 minutes, so what? That’s what it was like in vanilla.
Fifth: The only argument I’m getting from the other side is that without being able to roll over pugs 8 hours a day you can’t exploit the system to rank faster. Deal with it. Everyone knows the honor system is terrible and grindy. You could make a constructive argument like if they implemented RBGs you should get more honor/RP for doing them. They are already letting you bot, what more do you want? Why ruin the enjoyment of the game for other people? If you can’t put in the time commitment to get rank 14, why do you need to get it? who cares?