Kill the layers now and it'll fix your stupid server tranfers :p

You really have trouble with reading comprehension and what is implied.

PS: You ignored that blue post from a ways back up the thread.

I agree, but miracles are rare these days heh.

Your post was the first time I’ve seen it, and I’ve been following this thread since the beginning.

And you edited an earlier post, so I’ll respond to it here:

No. It only suggests that they are able to make multiple copies of the world. It doesn’t imply anything about the total population with and without layers. In that same interview they specifically call out starter zones as an issue, so it stands to reason that they can maintain the higher pop when players spread out.

They need to nut up and be more proactive.
a) stop putting transfers on a static end date. end them when they are balanced.
b) allow transfers to ANY low pop realm, not specific ones
c) allow transfers off of RP/RPVP realms to corresponding PVE and PVP realms.

This is where my disconnect is, I think. I’m trying to simply argue that the single point process of adding or removing layers does not affect the queue. The determining factor of queue times is the overall realm/server capacity.

What I mean is that it would be possible to remove all layers right now, at this exact moment. It would make the world insanely overcrowded, but I’m not arguing gameplay. If all layers were removed right now, a server that had a queue of say 500, would still have a queue of 500 UNLESS Blizzard also decreased the max population of the entire server/realm.

Yeah, nothing to argue there, your correct heh.

I literally scrolled up and copy/pasted from another’s post in this very thread.

Do you believe that realm caps are currently at vanilla-like levels?

  • YES
  • NO

I see that Holymirax edited it into her comment.

You did the same thing not too long ago. How do either of you expect to have a conversation if you’re changing what you previously said?


I don’t even believe the individual layers are at vanilla like levels.

I appreciate that you and I were on opposite ends of a really stupid argument yesterday, but we agree on this. Gives me a little bit of hope in the world for some reason.

Duuude. No. That’s not at all even close to the reason for layering.

Layering was introduced as a way to over populate the realms, because there’s an expected drop off of population.

Blizz wants happy and healthy realms during P2 and beyond, when there’s no layers. That is why layering was implemented.

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I need to go searching, but I think it was in the AMA.

The layering was done for both reasons, to ensure healthy server populations down the line, and also to alleviate bottlenecks of hundreds of people in areas trying to do stuff.

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I’ve been reading about layering since before Blizz officially announced it.

It is there just to overstock the realms, for the expected drop off.
They wanted to over stock without trashing the Vanilla experience by increasing caps to 10k in a single world.
Layering was made to make the world still feel Vanilla, while having a buffer for the expected drop off.

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they also said that when world bosses are live, only 1 world per realm.

Third paragraph down, post by blizzard themselves, when they turn layering off, if something isn’t done about unhealthily overpopulated servers, the queues will skyrocket. Now I have cited a source on why when layering is turned off queues will go up, do you have any proof or citations to say otherwise?

so question for you. how do you do 1 world boss per server, if said server has 5 layers?

i posted that ages ago. here let me link the post.[quote=“Holymirax-ashkandi, post:67, topic:296965, full:true”]

except you are. even blizzard said that they expect extreme queues when layering is removed.

i even bolded it for you.



Why can’t you simply answer the question?
Are server caps (combined layers) are at vanilla-like levels?

  • YES
  • NO

I already did.

except that blue post literally disagrees with you. he literally said “server queues will be severe when we remove layering”.
the only way that is possible is if removing layering also reduces the number of people allowed on the server at one time.