Kill the Horde council

In my headcanon they already went to Zul’Farrak together wtih Zandalari when the Old God invasions came out of Uldum, to defend Zul’Farrak from invasion.
We would have a nice tie up with the last content of BfA, and “by-the-way” side content, explanation why Sandfury skin is playable now AND reasoning why Zandalar had issues with Nagas- they sent their main armyto fight old God forces.

This is exactly the reason why I am not invested in neutral stories - because rarely they advance racial stories. And I am a sucker for all the smaller details like how certain experience/ stuff they encountered could be a nice story plot for racial lore.

For Example - in WoD Darkspears went to Arrakoa to interact with them, and there was nothing said about them learning about Arrakoa shadow magic and how their rites could be mimicked/borrowed in their own arts.

Jeesh, stories like that just wish to write themselves.


Don’t worry. The council will go on a murder spree and commit some war crime and blame it on one person because they’ve suddenly turned bad, just because, and then go on some peace mission with the Alliance again.

You and I must be operating two different definitions for the word “respect.” I don’t think history’s greatest monsters get much respect, and I doubt that’s what most people would be feeling towards the Legion of Doom Erevien is trying to turn the Horde into.

Have you seen his dream list? The one he claims is full of strong people, but most of them are dead losers. His version of the Horde would tear itself apart in an instant.

He weirdly has Chen Stormstout on the list. I always wanted to comment on that but my account was never active. He has the worst of the worst of every race except for Chen and Rastakhan. Why would those two ever want to be part of the super villain faction?


This is like the 8th time you made this thread. And each time, I demand respect for Kiro!

But Voljin is like a nascent God. We all fall short of the glory of Voljin. Rokhan can be forgiven for not being as cool.

Kill everyone except Kiro, Geya’rah, and Rokhan. Mayla isn’t too offensive, but I could take or leave her.

The internet term seems to be “sockpuppets” I think?

I agree. The NEFPAs almost seem like they are trying to make Night Elf Players look bad. And the same could be said about the OP as an example of “Hordeposters”.

I almost think someone decided to make Alts of every race to make them look bad.


Pro-anything posters are cringe except people who are pro-Blizzard writing something cohesive for once.

Also, how about we don’t do anything with the Horde Council or the Alliance leaders and once Shadowlands is done we have them all in the background again where they hand out quests to us and maybe every so often they pop up to punch a raid boss in the face to remind everyone that they can throw down.

I liked the Kiljaeden fight in Legion, with Khadgar, Velen, and Illidan as support. And the Archimonde fight in WoD, with Yrel and Hellscream and Khadgar. At least in Heroic, I never did them in Mythic.

The big name NPCs are there, but not really. For cinematic purposes. We were still important just by being there. It seemed cooperative.

I was thinking if we had to fight Alleria and Turalyon, maybe Arator would be our guide and the NPC who is there. Maybe holding back the trash or giving out blessings. I like having the big names in the mix, but lately they have been oppressive as far as the narrative.

They should be cool aspects of the story but not the entire driving vehicle of it, in my opinion. That’s one of the main issues with the story, because it forces characters into roles to have them dragged around by the nose.

They’d be much better served by being off to the side somewhere and maybe showing up to have their own little quest chain here and there. Something that defines their character without it being a big world-ending superhero slapfight.

Do you want to help Anduin figure out how to prepare for a ball where he’s around people his own age for once? Because I do.

I want to help Jaina look for a certain book in a vast hidden library and listen to her geek out about magic.

I want to help Thrall find his lost kid and then educate said kid about the elements when we find them in a sacred space for elementals.

I want to bodyguard Thalyssra and Lor’themar on their date and deal with all sorts of shenanigans to make sure it goes well.

I probably won’t get any of that, but it would be nice.

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To be honest, the ‘Kill the Horde Council’ subject - the Alliance are probably your strongest supporters with the title of your post, lol

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Well, as though numbers have swayed Blizzard heavily in the story.
But more-so I think most simply don’t like his idea than ‘want him to be unhappy’.

Why are you so obsessed with Kiro?

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Posting in a troll thread.

He is soooooo cooool!

The way he turns the other cheek after Baine disrespects him is just class. He knows he has the goods, and doesn’t feel insulted at having to show it. He is a lesson in patience and class. And the way he waltzes into Org like he owns the place. He isn’t deterred. And he has his own Charlie’s Angels - Nisha and Meerah.

But even before that, he paid his respects to Rastakhan. And he says the Alliance went too far - which is how I feel since Stormhiem.


How someone can hold this opinion after we had cata, mop and bfa is a mystery for the ages.

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I see him as okay, maybe it’s the fault of his voice actor that he appears to be very meek to me.
Overall vulpera are super meh.

Hey, I know Vulpera get alot of hate. I wouldn’t attempt to convince the haters. I can only answer for me when asked.

We all have our tastes.

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Vulpera voice acting lives in the uncanny valley.

Hates a strong word. But between their vacting and overall appearance they just feel like an early 00s platforming mascot who wandered in from stage left.

They’re an incredibly random feeling AR. They’re not a nation nor do they have any real connection to the Horde. Just some fox dudes who live in Org now and you can play them if you want. And that’s fine. It’s just an odd pick given the many other potential ARs.

It makes sense for them to go Horde from an Alliance perspective, where part of the Alliance Voldun questline was them basically just murdering them for no real particular reason.

And they were fundamental to the Horde leveling campaign as well, in a mutual aid capacity. Their exclusion from the Zanchuli Council was dumb.

Plus they’re the former slaves of the Sethrak, and have learned to survive in the desert with the Zandalari exiles in the settlement there (who I presume are now properly integrated into Zandalari society given they helped against both Mythrax and the Sethrak).

The whole “former slaves” angle gives moral weight to the Horde, which we are lacking.

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He spent all this time demanding the Horde Council get killed, yet they all managed outlive him.